***The Man in the iron Mask Quotes***
Leonardo diCaprio plays Louis the 14th and Phillipe
- “Once a musketeer, always a musketeer”~Louis to Aramis
- “Who’s that”~Louis
“That is Raoul, son of Athos”~Francis
“Francis, your taste may run to young soliders but I was talking about the beauty next to him”~Louis
“That is Christine” ~Franicis
- “I love you, Christine”~Raoul
“And I love you, Raoul”~Christine
“I am not as rich as the king but you will always have my heart”~Raoul
“And that, I will be richer than the king”~Christine
- “All for one, D’Artaganan”~Raoul
“And one for all”~D’Artaganan
- “Take his mad man away where no one can hear his screams. Feed him by death mute but feed him well.”~Phillipe
“And them?”~Soldier
“They are my royal council and the truest friends”~Phillipe
- “The Man in the iron mask was never seen again. It was said that he was sent to the country side and often visited by the queen.”~Narrator
- “Even if I can give up my king, I can never give up my son”~D’Artaganan
“You are my son. I loved your mother and I love her still”~D’Artaganan
- “Louis the 14th brought his people food and peace. He was known as the best king in history”~Narrator
- “Behold out unicorn. This is a test of strength and agility. Whoever catches this unicorn shall have it’s treasure. And let the chase begin”~Louis
“The treasure will be yours”~Raoul to Christine
- “Christine, isn’t it? I believe the excitement of the chase has made you more beautiful”~Louis
“Yes, yes, thankyou sire”~Christine
“Blushed. Do you not want to look good for your king?”~Louis
“No, I mean yes, yes sire”~Christine
“A woman like you would be suited very well”~Louis
“Yes, your majesty’s very very kind but I am already engaged to Raoul. I mean, when he manages to ask.”~Christine
“Who is a soldier. A soldier who has not yet propose, above a king?~Louis
“I could only be faithful to my heart.”~Christine
“And how faithful is that heart to you?”~Louis
- “You saved my son’s lige today, is that right?”~Queen Anne
“Yes, your majesty”~D’Artagnan
“Were you hurt?”~Queen Anne
“No, my lady”~D’Artagnan
“That’s good”~Queen Anne
- “D’Artagnan, I’m no angry at you. I know you’ll lead me to them. I’ll let you go and retire in peace and I will give your friends a swift execution, if you surrender now!”~Louis
“I think you should take this offer. We’re going to die anyway.”~Porthos
“How about exchanging my life for yours. I’ve had enough, please let me go.”~Phillipe
- “All my life, all I ever wanted to be, was him.”~Solider to Louis
- “I’ve never felt pride as a father until this very moment.”~D’Artagnan
- “This is the death I’ve always dreamt of. All for one, one for....”~D’Artagnan
- “Phillipe, he’s your brother”~D’Artagnan
“Brother? Everyone out!”~Solider
“Take this thing off me!”~Phillipe
- “Athos, after all you have done for me, I ask you for one more favour. Let me love you like a son to a father and I pray you live for this, love m like a son.”~Phillipe
- “How can someone kill me when the great D’Artagnan is watching over me?”~Louis
“A person’s head is sharper than its blade”~D’Artagnan
“Let us play a game, D’Artagnan. Let’s pretend that I am king and that you are the captain of my musketeers. You much obey my wishes. And my wish now is to enjoy the party and so should you.”~Louis
*Note* There are more to come, please visit this page later.