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- 06/29/99 23:07:09

hi did you know your on 6969 hollywood boulavard

10/23/98 10:28:55
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/29/98 07:19:43
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Carl Kulpa - 06/02/98 18:02:38
My URL:/TimesSquare/Arena/4804
Favorite Group or Song: Alanis Morissette
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: me
Favorite Chat Site: fg


echo5 - 05/15/98 21:49:51
Favorite Group or Song: One-"Metallica"
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: Truth or Dare
Favorite Search Engine: Star Wars/Sci-Fi
Favorite Pics: Anything of me
Anything Else I Might Have Left Out...: I's be superb

You look like you got a semi-phat web site started. Good luck in making it. May your day be cherry-flavored. Come visit me. PEACE!!!

~*Honeys*~ - 04/29/98 06:29:54
Favorite Group or Song: Dru Hill
Favorite Chat Site: The Park
Favorite Search Engine: Dean Koontz

Great page Spirit. *s* As for leaving anything that possible. *l* We're gonna need to come and visit agan to see the rest of the site. *s*

Brian Cross - 01/29/98 07:17:08

To whoever is leaving the spam: First of all, this is my page & I can do what I want with it. If you want Spice Girls, make your own page! If you think it sux, don't visit it! And also, assuming that you can at least read a little since you mentioned ome listed, this page is hardly finished. It needs movie listings, updates, & scores of links. When I finally have the time to do so, whenever that might be, there will be one or two Spice Girls songs on here, and if Backstreet Boys isn't on there they ill be eventually...thought they were. This is also my page reflecting my tastes. So go bug somebody who cares. To those civilized people who were unfortunate enough to have seen the aforementioned entries, I apologize. It seems we continue to have su h problems in our world. *sigh*

Nick Linok - 01/24/98 06:33:34
Favorite Group or Song: .....
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: .....
Favorite Chat Site: .....
Favorite Search Engine: .....
Favorite Pics: .....
Anything Else I Might Have Left Out...: .....

i also agree that u sould have spice girls up in your music thing and the ones u have up, um...well, they suck a lot. some are o.k. but others. i dont know. i guess i just wanted to say u should have spice girls. well i better get going nice page except the music.

Jen - 01/24/98 06:30:01
Favorite Group or Song: SPICE GIRLS!!!
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: SPICE WORLD!
Favorite Chat Site: spice chat (aol)
Favorite Search Engine: DONT KNOW
Anything Else I Might Have Left Out...: ur page sucks alot!

ok, if u wanna make your page a little bit good...u better add spice girls in your music list. EXCUSE ME BUT IF U THINK BEACH BOYS ARE BETTER THEN FUCK U. the only good bands u have are savage garden and Matchbox20. SPICE GIRLS ARE BETTER THEN U AND YOUR SHIT PAGE!! U SUCK BAD LIKE YOUR UGLY PAGE!!!

Chance - 12/03/97 15:42:56
Favorite Group or Song: ICP
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: Demi Moore
Favorite Chat Site: Teen Chat
Favorite Search Engine: Alta Vista
Favorite Pics: Millir Time

If your going to have 6969 make it a little bit more of a porn page

Jive - 11/20/97 06:37:00
Favorite Group or Song: The Dance
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: Pure Country
Favorite Chat Site: The Park (though it sux at times)
Anything Else I Might Have Left Out...: can't think of anything right now

Pretty cootchie *s* Lots of stuff to look at. I like the sure shot pics. See, i told ya i'd get around to checkin' it out. Talk to ya later, take care!

Zara Parkins - 11/06/97 09:34:49
Favorite Group or Song: Beach Boys
Favorite Movie &/or Actors: Sleeping Beauty
Favorite Chat Site: The Park! (Where else?? :D)| )--<
Favorite Search Engine: ??? Wht ever are you talking about??
Favorite Pics: I love your Calvin in the Toilet! Totally Kawaii!!
Anything Else I Might Have Left Out...: Gotta love those Bishojou Sailor Senshi!! Makenai!

Brian: Great page my friend!! I love it! Such cool mids! Way out classes my amatur deal! Totally awesome!!

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