The South Park Juvenile Center!

Yep, you heard right...this is the facility where those irksome, crude, & inconsiderate twerp kids from Comedy Central's new show South Park SHOULD be! But hey, if they were then we wouldn't be able to laugh our collective butts off! *g*
So take a seat next to your mom or some other dirty Jew, grab some snacky-cakes or cheezy-poofs, and enjoy the tour!

Here're some pics from the show...

The 4 boys at the bus stop with Kyle's elephant & The Terrence & Phillip Show

Halloween in South Park & Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Poo

And here're some WAVs from the show...
Cartman-Kyle's Mom
Kyle Explains Hanky
Kyle's Mom
Mr. Hanky-Ruckus
Trick or Treat
You're a Jew, Kyle
Terrence & Phillip

Most of these pics were either from
The Comedy Central South Park Homepage
or the
Any others were picked up amidst wanderings throughout the Net & couldn't tell ya. The WAVs were either from the CCHP or sent to me from friends.

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