DawnSinger's Shrine of Insanities
Insanity is only a bad thing if you don't know you're insane.

Why do I think I'm insane? Well, I have this theory. To live in today's world, you've got to be at least a little bit insane, and I seem to be functioning well enough, so I've got to be nuts. Besides, not only do I think that anime men are more desierable than real world men, I'm pretty sure I've got a better chance at finding and catching an anime guy that I like than I do at finding and catching a real world guy that I like.  And I've been informed several times that that's not normal.
Not that I really care.
Oh, and why the big font? Because I'm sick of getting headaches from trying to read tiny little font in the wee hours of the morning, and thought I'd do all of you wackos that end up here a favor.

Now, on to my obsessions, past and present. I'd put my future obsessions up here, but frankly if I could tell the future I'd be filling out lotto cards, not making a crappy web page.

I have an obsession with names. I don't know why, but I really love them. Some of them I find incredably amusing, and some of them I think are beautiful, while I think the creators of others should be taken into the streets and shot. Due to this obsession, I do weird things like read baby name books for fun. And yet, when I grow up and have my own kid, I'm sure I won't be able to think of a single thing to name it.
(Doctor: So, Miss Dawn, what are you going to name your beautiful new baby girl?
Dawn: Uh... Bob? Fred?)
I also have an obsession with quotes... I read them, I collect them, I grow them... well, I don't grow them. But you get the idea. Some of these are deep- some are not. (That's an understatement.) If I know who said them, it's there. If it doesn't say who the quote was by, it means I don't know... so don't email asking me.
 Lyrics, Poems, and Other Such Things
This page has, as insinuated above, things like poems and lyrics to songs I like. Eventually there might be somthing else up here... I'm not sure what, but it'll fall under the Other Such Things catagory.