
Beginning of Hymn To The Sea - When real TITANIC sets sail 1:09.2
Beginning of Southampton, when movie TITANIC sails off :49.4
Beginning of Rose :46.5
Chorus to My Heart Will Go On


A Version of My Heart Will Go On (no voice) (Thanks to Jill)
A Version of Southampton (Thanks to Jill)
Nearer My God To Thee (played as Titanic sank) (Thanks to Jill)
Another Version of My Heart Will Go On (No words)(Thanks to Jill)
Hymn To The Sea Thanks to Stacey
Steerage Party Music Thanks to Stacey



"That's White Star Line Property!" "SHUTUP!"
band - "Gentlemen, it has been a priveledge playing with you tonight."
Tommy - "You can't keep us locked down here like animals, the ship's bloody sinking!"
Guggenheim - "No thank you. We have dressed in our best and are prepared to go down as gentlemen."
Lightoller - "Or I'll shoot you all like dogs! Keep order!"
Rose and Mr. Andrews - "Forgive me, but it seems there aren't enough for everyone aboard." "About half actually"
Tommy - "For God's sake, there's women and children down here! Let us out so we can stand a chance!"
Mix - Some different things.
Jack and Rose - "Don't come any closer." "Just gimme your hand, I'll pull you back over." "No, stay where you are! I'll let go!" "No you won't" "What do you mean, no I won't?" "Well, you woulda done it already."
Rose and Colonel - "Colonel, are there any boats on that side?" "No miss, but there are a couple of boats all the way forward. This way, I'll lead you."


Smith and Murdoch - "Take her to sea Mr. Murdoch. Lets stretch her legs." "Yes sir." (Thanks to Jill)



James Cameron - "If you care about people, and you care about these characters then you can appreciate the tragedy at a microcosmic level."
Kate Winslet - "It was terrible... and it would have been like that. I mean really really horrific."
Kate Winslet - "And she's having this wedding being planned around her. And it's like a death trap to her, and there's really nothing that she can do about it. She wants to explore an new adventure, the world, and she just knows that that's not going to happen"
Leonardo DiCaprio - "And I'd just ask myself, how did I get here... to be in there, in that situation and actually see what it felt like."
Leonardo DiCaprio - "The thing started to tilt and you'd just see thousands of people clinging on for dear life and people flying to the left and right of you... seeing people falling from the tilted ship just like little ants... just took me right there."
James Cameron - "It was described as an elavator ride by the baker. He had climbed to the very top rail where the stern was up in the air about 50 feet and rode it down and said it felt like an elavator" *not a very good recording and I think that's what he's saying.
James Cameron - "There are certainly reports by a few survivors of gates being locked - steel gates - so ya, I think it happened"
James Cameron - "I wanted it to be more dismal, more primal, and quite frankly to be more terrifying."
What sounds do you want?

By the way, I did NOT create any of this music, and I have nothing to do with the creation of any of the music on the Titanic soundtrack, and I have nothing to do with the movie Titanic, or Paramount Pictures or anything at all to do with the movie AT ALL! Just a fan :P Is that what I am supposed to say???
SOURCE - Various sources.. Titanic Soundtrack, TV specials, radio recordings... and I think thats it...