Welcome to my page. This page is dedicated to the 1523 people who died with Titanic in 1912, and also to the movie that shows the pain those people faced 86 years ago.

Some jump, some fall, each dotting the water's surface

like the period at the end of a sentence. Then, the stern slips under the water,

plunging everyone into a coldness so intense it is indistinguishable from fire. Ten minutes. Twenty

minutes. The inchonate wail of fifteen hundred souls slowly fades to individual cries from the darkness.

We know you can hear us! Save one life! Seven hundred survivors stand by in lifeboats built for twelve

hundred, afraid to act for fear of getting swamped. They tell themselves that the voices from the water

do not belong to their husbands or their loved ones...


Guess what people???? I won an award!! I'm really happy, well here it is, isn't it amazing? :P

Last updated:


You are number to visit my page.
I have seen TITANIC 5 times and I think it is the best movie ever created.

Okay someone e-mailed me with a very good question about the movie. If anyone knows the answer, please e-mail me the answer. The question is: What is the tune playing on Rose's jewelry box?

I am constantly working on my page to make it better.
PLEASE E-mail me

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for upcoming Titanic specials, magazine articles, and just new news on Titanic (CONSTANTLY UPDATED!!!)


It's finally here... SOUNDS!
Don't Go Here...(its a trick to get you to go... so go!)
!!!UPDATED¡¡¡ Awards Titanic has won.
Actors/Cameron's Quotes
Pictures From The Movie
Now you can choose if you want them all or if you just want to click on certain ones...
MORE Pictures From The Movie
Now you can choose if you want them all or if you just want to click on certain ones...
Info On The Actor's & Actresses
Things That Are Sure To Bring Tears To Your Eyes
Lyrics to My Heart Will Go On
Movie Titanic Trivia


!!!UPDATED¡¡¡A List of All The Passengers
^^^First AND Second Class Passengers available now (3rd class ASAP)^^^
Information on Some Survivors
Log Of The Main Events
Survivor Sounds
Setting Sail
The Sinking
The Discovery
Real Titanic Trivia


Results to the Survey (so far)
Links I Think You'll Like
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¡¡¡!!!UpDaTeD!!!¡¡¡ Non-Titanic Related Links

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PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!! This took so much work and I will be updating alot (like, every day...). E-mail me at bupple@hotmail.com or guess_who_13@yahoo.com (I check the 2nd one more often)

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Disclaimer : All of the pictures and music from the film 'Titanic' are the sole property of Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures and Lightstorm. The owner of this homepage is in no way affiliated with the makers of 'Titanic'. These pictures were found on random Titanic Websites as well as the official 'Titanic' Website. No intentional copyright infringement was intended. All copyrighted pictures will be removed upon the request ofthe owner(s). Any other images and material that is copyright will also be removed upon request.
You are welcome to take pictures off my page, but please don't take sounds of my page cuz I recorded them on myself.
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