Where: Port Charles Park
Maid of Honor:
Bridesmaids: Claudia Johnson
Beverly DeFreest
Best Man:Brian Phillips
Bride Given Away by:Rick Webber
When: November 16, 1981
Where: Grounds of the Mayor's Mansion, Port Charles, New York
Maid of Honor: Amy Vining (sister of the bride)
Best Man: Robert Scorpio
Bobbie Spencer (sister of the groom)
Tiffany Hill
Claudia Johnson
Slick Jones
Joe Kelly
Brian Phillips
Song of First Dance:Fascination
Bride Given Away by: Rick Webber (step-father)
When: June 20, 1986
Where: Brownstone, Port Charles, New York
Matron of Honor: Tania Jones
Best Man: Tony Jones (brother of the groom)
Bridesmaids: Anna DeVane, Samantha Welles
Flower Girl: Robin Scorpio
Bride Given Away by: Sean Donely
Song of First Dance:Lady of my Heart, sung by Frisco
Where: Quartermaine Mansion, 66 Harbor View Road, Port Charles, New York
Maid of Honor: Cheryl Stansbury (sister of the bride)
Best Man: Robert Scorpio
Bridesmaid: Anna DeVane
Groomsmen: Duke Lavery
Flower Girl: Robin Scorpio
When: October 1989
Where: Puerto Rico
Best Man: Frisco Jones (brother of the groom)
Maid of Honor: Terry Brock
As a symbol of my love, but more importantly I give to you as a symbol of our friendship. Love may be the spark that started the flame but friendship is the timber that keeps it burning. So when you wear this ring always remember that this flame keeps me warm when I'm cold, and lights my way through all my dark hours and I will always love you and always cherish you and keep you for the rest of my life.
Well you just said everything I was going to say, but I guess that's what happens when you marry your best friend. You are my best friend. My best and dearest friend and I love you very much and I feel real lucky to have you and the kids and family and friends. My heart is very full right now and I feel blessed and I think we're both very fortunate Tony, because we don't have any illusions about one another. And we're alot alike in alot of ways but in some ways we're very different, but what really matters is that we still respect each other and we trust one another and I think that's the greatest give of love that two people can give one another.
(First Wedding: 1994: Justice of the Peace, Baltimore, Maryland)
When: June 1, 1995
Where:Brooklyn, New York
Best Person:Brenda Barrett
Emily Bowen
Noreen Cerullo (sister-in-law of the bride)
Francine Cerullo (sister of the bride)
Geraldine Cerullo (cousin of the bride)
DeeDee Cerullo (sister-in-law of the bride)
Jason Quartermaine (cousin of the groom)
A.J. Quartermaine (cousin of the groom)
? Cerullo (brother of the bride)
? Cerullo (brother of the bride)
Ring Bearers:
Patrick Cerullo (nephew of the bride)
Vincent Cerullo (nephew of the bride)
Flower Girl:
Angie Cerullo (niece of the bride)
Bride Given Away by: Carmine Cerullo
Wedding Gown:: worn by Lila Quartermaine and given to bride as gift