Are Liz and Sarah Webber related to Lucky Spencer?
No, except by marriage. Liz and Sarah's father is Jeff Webber. Jeff's half brother, Rick married Lesley, the mother of Laura Spencer, and adopted Laura.
How are Liz and Sarah Webber related to Audrey Hardy?
Liz and Sarah's father is Jeff Webber. Jeff was raised as the son of Lars and Helene Webber, along with his brother Rick and sister Terri. When Jeff was an adult, both he and Steve Hardy found out they were really Father and Son. Steve was married to Audrey Hardy, which makes Audrey, Jeff's stepmother, and stepgrandmother to Sarah, Liz, and their brother Steven Lars.
Who are the biological parents of AJ Quartermaine and Jason Morgan Quartermaine?
Alan and Monica Quartermaine are the biological parents of A.J. (Alan, Jr.) Jason is the biological son of Alan and Susan Moore. Monica adopted him and raised him as her own whenn Jason was 2 years old after Susan was killed.
How old are the characters supposed to be?
Jason turned 26 in September 1999; Brenda was 24 in March, 1998; A.J. turned 28 in December 1999; Laura turned 38 in December 1999; Amy was 35 as of June 1998; Liz turned 17 on November 4, 1999 (although they have aged her a year and she is now 18); Lucky was 10 as of October 1993, which would make him 16 or 17 (but they have aged him too); Robin turned 22 on October 12, 1999; Nikolas turned 19 on November 6, 1999; Lesley Lu turned 5 on August 7, 1999.
Who are Robin's Godfathers?
Robin's godfathers are Frisco Jones; Sean Donnelly; and Buzz Stryker.
How is Tom Hardy a cousin of Scott Baldwin's?
Tom Hardy is the biological son of Tom Baldwin. Tom Baldwin's brother is Lee Baldwin, the stepfather of Scott Baldwin.
Did Edward Quartermaine and Mary Mae Ward have an affair?
Yes. Just before he went off to war, they met and had an affair. I don't think he was married to Lila yet. She became pregnant with Bradley Ward, who was the father to Justus. She and her husband raised Bradley as their own along with their son, David (Keesha's father).
How is Justus Ward related to the Quartermaines and to Keesha Ward?
Justus' father was Bradley Ward, the biological son of Edward Quartermaine. That makes Justus, Edward's grandson. Keesha's father and Justus' father have the same Mother (Mary Mae), which makes Keesha and Justus half-cousins.
Where did Jason get the last name "Morgan"?
Jason's middle name was Morgan, which is Lila's maiden name. He legally dropped the last name "Quartermaine" and changed his last name to "Morgan" after his accident.
Is Lucas really Robin's half-brother, isn't he Robert's son?
No, Lucas is the biological son of Julian Jerome and Cheryl Stansbury, the sister of Tiffany Hill. It was believed Robert could be the father of Lucasn, but blood tests proved he wasn't the father.
How are Amy Vining and Laura Spencer sisters?
Laura was raised as the daughter of Jason and Barbara Vining and as the sister of Amy. When Laura was 12, Lesley discovered that the baby she gave birth to and believed died at birth, was switched at birth by her father. She soon discovered the Vining's had Laura and that she was her daughter. Despite this Laura and Amy still consider themselves sisters.
How is Chloe Morgan related to Jason Morgan and the Quartermaines?
Chloe is Jason's, Ned's and A.J.'s 4th cousin. Chloe's great-Aunt Eleanor is a 2nd cousin of Lila. That means Chloe's father is a 3rd cousin to Tracy and Alan. That makes Chloe a 4th cousin to Ned, A.J. and Jason.
Who is Juan's biological father?
Miguel Morez is the biological father of Juan. He and Lily were teenager lovers and Lily became pregnant. Miguel did not know about this and Lily was forced to give Juan up for adoption. Miguel found out years later when he and Lily reconciled, but they broke up and Lily married Sonny.