Character Histories

Character Histories (Last Name R-U)

Carly Roberts (Caroline Benson)

Carly came to Port Charles to find her biological mother, Bobbie Spencer. She had been adopted by Virginia Benson and her husband and named Caroline Benson. Virginia's husband left when Carly was small. Carly became friends with Monica Quartermaine, began working for her at the Wellness Center and entered the student nursing program. To get a job in physical therapy, she changed her transcripts. She became friendly with Bobbie and her husband Tony Jones. She didn't tell Bobbie she was her daughter, and soon Luke found out the truth. He kept it quiet and told Bobbie that her daughter had died. Carly met Jason at Jake's bar and soon they began having sex, keeping all other information including their names a secret. Eventually Carly and Jason became just friends. Carly and Tony began an affair and when Bobbie found out, she divorced Tony. Carly and Tony got an apartment and soon A.J. Quartermaine moved in. In the meantime Carly had quit the student nursing program. One night while waiting for Jason, she met up with A.J. and they drank together and had sex in Jason's room. Later that night, she went back to her apartment with Tony and had sex with him. Soon Carly found out from A.J. that he and Jason were brothers. Carly soon found out she was pregnant, but didn't tell Tony she wasn't sure who the father was, he or A.J. To make A.J. not remember the night they spent together she set him up to look like he had been drinking again. She also faked a sonogram to make A.J. believe the baby was due a month earlier than it was. Eventually Tony found out her lies and she told Tony that Jason was the father. She showed up at Jason's penthouse and asked if she could stay there. She gave birth to a baby boy prematurely and blood tests showed the baby wasn't his. A.J. misread the blood tests, so he believed Carly's story that the baby was Jason's. Carly suffered from post-partum depression and soon left town to visit her adoptive mother. While gone, Jason named the baby Michael. Carly returned, and soon admitted to Bobbie that she was her daughter and reunited with Michael. Carly's adoptive mother, Virginia Benson, came to Port Charles the same night, and was shocked to hear of what Carly had been up to. She had a stroke and died. Carly and Jason were distraught when Michael was kidnapped, and it turned out the kidnapper was Tony Jones. She and Bobbie are slowly making amends. When Tony received community service instead of a jail sentence, Carly grabbed Taggert's gun and shot Tony in the courtroom.

Spencer Family Tree

Felicia Cummings Jones Scorpio

Felicia came to Port Charles to look for an Aztec treasure she said belonged to her family. She tracked it down to the apartment of Frisco Jones and disguised herself as a boy to retrieve it. Frisco caught her and realized she was a woman. She and Frisco started dating and became friends with Robert Scorpio, Anna Devane and their daughter Robin. She also became friends with Sean Donnelly, who became like a father to her. She married Frisco in 1986, but the wedding almost didn't take place when Felicia got last minute jitters because Frisco's job as a policeman was dangerous. Felicia's grandmother, Maria, also attended the wedding. After Frisco joined the WSB, he was presumed killed. Felicia then began seeing Colton Shore and they got married. On their wedding day, Frisco appeared in Port Charles, after escaping his captors and took Felicia in the catacombs. She went back to Frisco and soon she discovered she was pregnant. Felicia gave birth to Maximillina (known as Maxie). She and Frisco moved away from Port Charles, but eventually she and Frisco eventually divorced when his job at the WSB became more dangerous and took him all over the world. Felicia and Maxie headed back to Port Charles and when she was in front of the Brownstone, she was knocked out. When she came to she had no memory of her past, except Maxie. She began working at The Outback. She became friends with Ryan Chamberlin, and eventually her memory was restored. Unknown to Felicia, she resembled Ryan's mother, and she didn't realize he was a pyschotic murderer. While she was at a cabin with Ryan, he attacked her and she tried to kill him. Ryan turned the story around and had Felicia tried for attempted murder. When she was sentenced to a mental facility, Mac helped her escape. They eventually cleared Felicia's name and soon she and Mac planned to marry. They were shocked when they found out Ryan had a twin brother named Kevin. During the wedding, Ryan who had escaped came to the church and fought with Mac. Mac was injured so the wedding had to be postponed. Soon Maxie became ill, and was found to be suffering from Kawasaki Syndrome which damaged her heart. Frisco came back to town. Felicia was devestatated when she found out the heart donor was her and Frisco's niece, B.J., who had died in a bus accident. She and Frisco made love while he was in town, and Frisco soon went back to work at the WSB on assignment. When Felicia found out she was pregnant, she didn't know it was Mac's or Frisco's. She eventually found out it was Frisco's and she and Mac realized they were better as friends and not as husband and wife. Felicia gave birth to another girl, named Georgie. Felicia was soon stalked by Kevin Collins, who had a mental breakdown. She was rescued after being kidnapped by Kevin and Kevin sought therapy. Felicia is currently co-owner of The Outback with Mac Scorpio and recently married him.

Jones Family Tree

Scorpio Family Tree

Malcolm "Mac" Scorpio

Mac Scorpio is the brother of Robert Scorpio, and the uncle of Robin Scorpio. Mac's relationship with his brother Robert was strained after the plane Mac was piloting crashed killing their parents, and injuring Robert. Robert thought Mac had abandoned them, but in reality Mac went for help. They didn't speak or see each other until Mac showed up in Port Charles. Mac was involved with the sinking of ELQ's ship. He worked as a mercenary, and did violent jobs, like blow up bridges, buildings and other things for people, like the Jax family. Robert and Mac were not happy to see each other. After someone tried to kill Robert, Mac was arrested and put in jail. He escaped and Robert followed him. While Robert was trailing Mac, someone shot at them and Robert got hit. Mac ended up donating blood, and they reconciled. They went on the run together and ended up hiding at an estate called "Serenity". There they met Dominique Taub. Mac and Robert eventually returned to Port Charles. Mac fell for Dominique and helped her escape her husband when she came to Port Charles. Eventually Dominique's husband was killed and she was free. Mac had also opened up a restaurant/bar called "The Outback". Mac became legal guardian of his niece, when Robert and Anna were killed. He and Dominique broke up. He then started dating Felicia Jones and they planned to get married. On their wedding day, Ryan Chamberlin, who had been stalking and terrorizing Felicia escaped and showed up at the church. Mac was injured and their wedding was delayed. He and Felicia delayed their wedding plans again when Felicia's daughter became ill. Eventually they realized they were better off as friends. Mac then began dating Katherine Bell. He reluctantly agreed to take the job as Police Commisioner. While Katherine was pushing him to wear suits, and attend society parties, he was more comfortable wearing jeans and staying at home. After Katherine was shot, they parted their ways broke up. Mac was fired as police commisioner because of his covering up when Monica kidnapped Pierce Dorman. He went back to work full time at "The Outback" which he co-owned with Felicia. Recently he was kidnapped by a woman name Tess, and a look-a-like took his place. He got his old job back as Police Commisioner. He and Felicia Jones were recently married.

Scorpio Family Tree

Robin Scorpio

Until the age of 6, Robin believed her grandmother was Filomena Soltini, her last name was Soltini, and her mother, Anna Devane, was just a family friend she called "Luv". While at camp she was kidnapped and taken to Robert Scorpio's house in Port Charles. The only thing she was told was her grandmother was to pick her up there. Robert also didn't know Robin was his daughter. Anna found Robin at Robert's and confessed to him that Robin was his daughter. Robin overheard this and ran away. Eventually she was found and Robert and Anna explained to her they were her parents. She also gained a stepmother, Holly Sutton Scorpio, Robert's wife. Several years later Anna remarried and Duke Lavery became Robin's stepfather, but Duke was killed several years later. Robin was overjoyed when her parents remarried. In 1991 Robin met her Uncle, Mac Scorpio. In 1992 he became her legal guardian when her parents were killed. While in high school she became friends with Karen Wexler, and Brenda Barrett, and had a crush on Jason Quartermaine. She soon became attracted to Michael "Stone" Cates. They began dating, and because a previous HIV test had come out negative they thought they were safe when they had unprotected sex. Soon Stone couldn't get rid of flu-like symptons and tests came back that he had AIDS. Robin put off going to Yale to nurse Stone and just before he died she found out she was HIV positive. After Stone died, Robin became friends with Jason Quartermaine, who had suffered brain damage in a car accident and had no recollection of his past. They soon began dating and had a romantic trip just before she left for Yale. Robin spent 1 year at Yale and came back for the Summer. After Jason was shot beside her in her living room, she realized Jason's job was too dangerous and didn't want to lose another loved one to violence. She and Jason broke up just before left to study in Paris. Robin soon became homesick and realized she would rather go to school and live in Port Charles. Robin moved back, and at the request of Emily helped Nikolas regain his speech. She and Jason reconciled and are back together.

Scorpio Family Tree

Barbara Jean "Bobbie" Spencer

Bobbie came to Port Charles as a student nurse in the General Hospital program. Unknow to her colleagues, she was a former prostitute. As a prostitute, at the age of 16, she had gotten pregnant and given birth to a girl. She gave that child up for adoption. Bobbie fought with Laura Webber over the affections of Scott Baldwin. She even brough her brother Luke to town to help her win Scott from Laura. Bobbie even faked a pregnancy, but when her fighting with Laura endangered Laura's life, she backed off. Bobbie started dating a friend of Luke's, Roy DiLucca, who worked for the local Mob with Luke. They even became engaged, but before they could get married, Roy was shot and died in Bobbie's arms. Bobbie then started dating Dr. Noah Drake, but that soon fizzled. Bobbie married D.L. Brock. D.L. Brock had a daughter named Terry. Bobbie soon became an abused wife, and was her husband was murdered she became the top suspect, but was soon cleared. She then married Jake Meyer, and they talked about adopting a baby. Soon their marriage ended in divorce, but Bobbie still wanted to adopt a child. She adopted a baby through the black market and soon became the Mother to Lucas. Unknown to her at the time, the baby was really the son of Cheryl Stansbury, Tiffany Hill's sister, and Cheryl had been told her baby had died. She and Tony Jones got married, and with his daughter, B.J., they became a family. Bobbie found out that the child she adopted really was the son of Cheryl, but she decided not to tell anyone. The truth came out and she was forced to give Lucas back to Cheryl went he was 1 1/2 years old. Less than 2 years later, Cheryl died and she left custody of Lucas to Tony and Bobbie. During the time Bobbie's stepdaughter, B.J. died, Bobbie had an affair with Damian Smith, and her marriage soon broke up. She and Tony tried to repair their marriage, but when Tony started having an affair with Carly Roberts, they divorced. Bobbie didn't know that Carly was really her daughter. Bobbie soon married Stefan Cassadine, but that marriage didn't last long. Bobbie recently found out that Carly is her daughter and that Michael is her grandson.

Spencer Family Tree

Laura Spencer

Laura Vining Webber Baldwin Spencer was raised by Jason and Barbara Vining and as the sister of Amy Vining. When she was 12 years old she found out that she was actually the daughter of Lesley Faulkner Webber. Laura eventually came to live with Lesley. When Lesley married Dr. Rick Webber, he adopted her and she took his name. Laura became attracted to David Hamilton, a friend of Rick's. Unknown to her, he was dating her even though he was interested in her Mother. After a fight, Laura accidently killed him, but Lesley took the blame. Eventually the truth came out. At the age of 17, Laura married Scott Baldwin. Their happiness was short-lived. She took a job at the campus disco, run by Luke Spencer. Luke became attracted to her and on a night he thought he was going to die, he raped her in the disco. She ran to the park, but never identified her attacker. Eventually she and Luke went on the run to stop Mob Boss Frank Smith. They returned and Frank Smith was sent to jail. After obtaining a divorce from Scott, she and Luke were married in November 1981. Shortly after their marriage she was kidnapped by the Cassadines, and as a prisoner on their island, she gave birth to Nikolas. She eventually escaped back to Luke and because of Frank Smith they went on the run again. Laura and Luke have 2 children, Lucas "Lucky" Spencer, Jr., and Lesley Lu Spencer. They moved back to settle in Port Charles in 1993.

Spencer Family Tree
Webber Family Tree

Lesley Lu Spencer

Lesley Lu is the daughter of Luke and Laura Spencer. She was named after her maternal grandmother and the alias Laura used when she was on the run with Luke. She was born in 1994. She has a half-brother, Nikolas Cassadine, and a brother, Lucky Spencer. She recently has been living with her Mother and Grandmother in Switzerland and in North Carolina. She and her mother recently moved back to Port Charles.

Spencer Family Tree
Webber Family Tree

Lucas "Lucky" Spencer, Jr.

Lucky Spencer is the son of Luke and Laura Spencer and the brother of Lesley Lu Spencer. Lucky spent his first 10 years with his family on the run from Frank Smith. While living in Canada, Frank Smith again found his family, and he escaped to Port Charles. Eventually his parents joined him there and they decided they were tired of running and decided to live permanently in Port Charles. Lucky quickly became friends with his cousin, Sly Eckert. He and Sly decided to start a worm business using the worms has garbage disposals. When Emily Bowen Quartermaine came to town they became friends. When Emily wanted to search for her Aunt, Lucky got into his emergency I.D. and money bag and he and Emily went across the country and search of her. They never found her and eventually were found and came back to Port Charles. After his sister became sick and needed a bone marrow transplant, he was tested. He wasn't a match, but soon found out someone else was. He discovered that he had a half-brother, Nikolas Cassadine, who's was the son of Laura. Laura had given birth to Nikolas while being held captive on their island. At first he was angry with him Mother for lying, but eventually forgave her, although he never got along with Nikolas. When Sarah Webber came to town, he was immediately attracted to her, although she only had eyes for Nikolas. He soon became friends with her younger sister, Elizabeth. He was so attracted to Sarah, he didn't notice that Elizabeth was attracted to him. When Elizabeth didn't turn up at a school dance, he went to search for her, and found her in the park, beaten and raped. He became a good friend to Elizabeth and helped her through her trauma. He later found out from Nikolas and his father confirmed it, that his father had raped his mother. He has yet to forgive his father for this.

Spencer Family Tree
Webber Family Tree

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