

Welcome to "The RAFSTA Star Trek Book List".

The aim of this little website is to provide you with some idea of the number of Star Trek books available and the variety of topics they cover. Hopefully there's enough detail for you to be able to make some informed choices before you pop out to your local bookshop to buy the books.

This Book List

This website will be updated every 3 to 6 months, when there are enough new books to warrent it.

If you find a mistake, a book not on the list please let me know. Plus, with some of the books, I have not been able to obtain all the relevant information on it. If you happen to be able to fill in any of the blanks, please let me know (my details are below)

PLEASE NOTE. Where the books have been published both in the U.K. and the U.S.A. I have used the U.K. edition. At a future date, I may include the U.S.A. editions, if I can obtain enough interest from you viewers.

Buying The Books

Nearly all the Star Trek books by Pocket Books, Boxtree and Titan can be bought or ordered quite easily from your local bookshop. Your best for a lot of the books from the reference section of this book list, is your nearest Fantasy and Science Fiction specialist bookshop. If you haven't got one near you, don't worry as most do mail order, once you have located one in the Yellow Pages.

One word of warning, if you are collecting the numbered novels produced by Pocket Books and you are aiming for a complete set, please refer to Appendix 1 for an explanation of the two different numbering systems used by Titan and Pocket Books.

Novel Sections

The novels are broken down into their various series and further down into numbered and un-numbered. There are also extra sections concerning mini-series novels i.e. 'The Captain's Table' and 'Day Of Honor'. These were put into their own section because although they involve all the different shows, there is an on-going story that connects them.

The Young Reader Section contains the listings (as the title suggests) of books for younger readers. Most, apart from DS9, cover the lives of the major characters during their time at Starfleet Academy. Whilst DS9 deals mainly with the adventures of the younger cast of DS9 i.e. Jake and Nog.

The Miscellaneous Novels covers various out of print novels, novels by other publishers and possibly in the near future fanzines.

Miscellaneous Section

This section deals with the non-fiction books. This is set out slightly differently to the novel sections for various reasons :-

Due to the above points, I have included more information per book, which in turn has reduced the number of books per page.

How To Contact Me

Postal Address:

Darren Evans
6 Smith Grove

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Novels Reference Appendices