the Court Jester's Apprentice productions

The Imagination Of
The Court Jester's Apprentice

Welcome to my production is filled with peace, hope and faith.

Amongst my in-house production pages you may want to take a l@@k at Film Noir Through Genre Theory, a paper I did for a Master's course at Emerson College, during the Fall of 1996; a Work in Progress, my Resume; some favorite Quotes/Poetry (an inspired Script, if you will) either I or members of my family like; a Documentary link about me and a few of my favorite things; a page for my spiritual Reflections; and a list of my Supporting Cast made up of some of my favorite people I've met out in the cyber world, along with On-Location-Sites of favorite places I've traveled on out here. {I will not be promoting web sites I created, as you can go to my resume for that!}

I guess of all the things I could tell you, the one thing I love is: making people happy. Most of the time I do it by showing others I love Jesus. (ok now, WAIT, don't freak out, I'm not gonna try to convert you to Catholicism. I "jest" think He is a really cool guy and has blessed me with some wonderful gifts: like my daughters, creative talents, work-in-progess weaknesses and fonts!) The rest of the time I do it by making people laugh. I hope my pages make you feel welcome.

I am proud to live in the most free country in the world.


(Pray for the victims, survivors and volunteers of the 9/11/01 disasters.)

Below is a flag my 9-year-old daughter, Alexandria, made.

copyright May, 2002

I am so proud of her.


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created with the wonderful encouragement of SKAT
noirpaper resume Quotes myworld Links2others

Theory of Film Noir **** Resume **** Favorite Quotes **** My Life, My World **** Links


If you have any comments I can be reached @ jester logo the Court Jester's Apprentice productions logo

Oh yeah, by the way, this will always bring you back here.


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love this song and version of the video and it's homage to the original