She enjoys snowboarding, reading, eating veggie-burgers (cool!), drinking smoothies, hanging out with her friends, acting (is very good at this), and making creative works such as beading jewelry, painting, writing poetry, sewing funky dresses, and photgraphing interesting images. **I have some great news. I wrote another letter to Patricia and she responded and gave me some info about herself. This information came from Patricia: Her birthday is July 19, 1975. Her ethnic heritage is Korean-America. She speaks some Korean and Spanish. In her late teen years she did some modeling, but otherwise has always been into the performing/entertaining field. UCR, BA in psychology completed, and CSPP, PhD in psych. in progress for her education. Her favorite video game is Bubble Bobble, and when I asked her what her favorite color is, she answered, "Uhh, . . .should I say 'pink?'" =)

*All of this information came from Patricia in the letter she wrote to me.