This page includes the tv/film/game projects Patricia has been in.

Power Rangers Turbo
Patricia portrayed Cassie Chan in Power Rangers Turbo
when she took over the popular role of the Pink Ranger
from Catherine Sutherland (Kat) in the Fall of 1997.

Power Rangers in Space
Patricia continued portraying Cassie Chan in Power Rangers
in Space from Winter 1998 thru Fall 1998.

Power Rangers in Space: The Movie
This is actually just some PRiS episodes with the Pyscho

A brief spotting in the audience of Price is Right on May 5, 1999.

An English dubbed version of the anime series "Serial Experiments LAIN" as the older sister Mika.

Also the English dubbed version of "El Hazard; Alternate World" as the priestess of wind, Afura.

She just finished up a movie in China and Hong Kong called "Extreme Challenge" (the title may change) that will be premiering in Hong Kong May/June 2000. Not sure on a US release date yet, but be sure to check out the following link for a great site!

She did the voice work for a character named Yuma in Phase Paradox, a 3D Playstation game.