My Tribute to "Titanic"

My Tribute to "Titanic"

James Cameron's Titanic is by far my most favorite movie. Up to now I watched it three times. In just three weeks ! And I still want to see it many more times. I nearly never watch movies more than once. And in general I dislike romances, despite the big ones like "Gone with the wind" and "Doctor Zhivago". But this one really got me.

There are a lot of scenes I like very much. Above ís the scene in the morning after Jack saved Rose from her suicide attempt. I really like the acting of Kate Winslet in here. Especially after Jack asked whether she loves Cal or not. Here Rose is still an upper class girl in the Edwardian era. She has to be upset about his question and tries to get rid of Jack. But finally she manages to overcome the class boundary.

That's the so-called flying scene. It is related to the first scene at the bow with Jack and Fabrizio and the dolphins. Both scenes represent freedom. In contrast to the two scenes at the stern of the ship: the suicide and the sinking scen, which both are desperate moments.

Some more topics i will add in the next days:


The catastrophe...



Movie of the century...
I collected some newsgroups posting about Titanic which really impressed me. You can read them here . The name of the newsgroups is "alt.history.ocean-liners.titanic".

Here are some links to other titanic related sites:

yep, thats it so far.

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