Leslie Trumbull - 10/19/00 08:47:02
My URL:http://LTrum3312
My Email:LTrum3312@Hotmaik,com
Where are you from?: Strictlt from hunger
What are your interests?: Scifi/History'ArcheologyNude Males
What do YOU think of Casper?: cuter than Yoda
What Movies do you like?: Late For Dinner
Do you have any hobbies?: collecting Gay Porn
Who are your favourite guys?: Tony Sabato Jr./Robert Downey Jr.'Mickey Mouse in drag
Lookup webnaster of keepstill.com for images which echo our semsual archtypes. Really, Honey.
briannatisdale - 09/12/00 02:30:27
My Email:blondie_854_1999@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: reno,nevada
What are your interests?: i want to be a model
What do YOU think of Casper?: very cute and funny
What Movies do you like?: scary and just fun one to watch
Do you have any hobbies?: no
Who are your favourite guys?: casper,ryan phillpe,
TONYBOY69 - 06/26/00 21:36:13
My URL:http://www.tonyboy.com
My Email:rudeboy@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: NEW YORK
What are your interests?: Casper V
What Movies do you like?: STARSHIP TROOPERS
Do you have any hobbies?: ARTIST
robbe barker - 04/14/00 19:12:52
My Email:perseus320_2000_83316@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Greece/Idaho
What are your interests?: gaytoons, and drawings
What do YOU think of Casper?: I think he's one of the hottest men I've seen
What Movies do you like?: Disney?Fantasies
Do you have any hobbies?: Sex,secx,sex,sex,sex!
Who are your favourite guys?: most all men
I would love to find more sites with gaytoons, and comic strips, and I thank you for all your efforts, and love your artwork. From artist to another, I worked for the Disney Studios in Orlando Florida, for over ten years, painting backgrounds for the anim
ted films.
- 01/26/00 22:48:06
Heather - 01/02/00 00:00:48
My Email:Somma_99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
What are your interests?: Singing and collecting things
What do YOU think of Casper?: He is the sexiest man alive I can take my eyes away
What Movies do you like?: Any that are scary or suspenseful like Starship troopers
Do you have any hobbies?: All kinds
Who are your favourite guys?: Casper, Brian Krause, Justin Timberlake
I want more pictures e-mail me some
William Bradley - 11/21/99 01:44:23
My Email:sport989@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Canada
What are your interests?: running, internet,gardening
What do YOU think of Casper?: very hot
Donna J. - 11/03/99 11:49:34
My Email:yummy1one@aol.com
Where are you from?: Maryland
What are your interests?: working out, having fun
What do YOU think of Casper?: OH MY GOD!!! Talk about FINE!!!
marian - 10/27/99 15:23:30
My URL:/marianll
My Email:marianlacruz@retemail.es
Where are you from?: Spain
What are your interests?: literature, music, health
What do YOU think of Casper?: he's cute
What Movies do you like?: drama
Who are your favourite guys?: johny depp
just surffing through geocities!!!..and wanted to say hi to a neighbour! :-)
Jypsi - 09/28/99 05:04:46
My URL:http://www.theomegacode.com
What do YOU think of Casper?: Are you Joking? He is Great!
You have got to check out http://www.theomegacode.com
Casper's new Starring role! It opens Oct15th! in most citys
Jypsi - 09/28/99 04:58:22
My Email:JypsiWoman@hotmail.com
What do YOU think of Casper?: Are you Joking? He is Great!
You have got to check out http://www.theomegacode.com
Casper's new Starring role! It opens Oct15th! in most citys
- 09/24/99 22:00:56
Cindy Leiva - 08/02/99 21:29:35
My URL:http://http://www.cindy@hispavista.com
My Email:http://www.cindy@hispavista.com
Where are you from?: Costa Rica
What are your interests?: Music, movies, etc...
What do YOU think of Casper?: He is the most handsome man i see, he is very hot and sexy...
What Movies do you like?: Starship Troopers, Vampires, The Saint, etc...
Do you have any hobbies?: Music, movies, artists, .....
Who are your favourite guys?: Casper Van Dier, Brendan Fraiser, Jared Leto, Scott Folley...
I love Casper, please tell him "he's the most beautifil and sexy man" thank you!
Surangsri - 08/02/99 10:02:13
My Email:surangsri82@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Bkk, Thailand
What are your interests?: Music
What do YOU think of Casper?: He's hot & awesome !!!
What Movies do you like?: Starship Troopers
Do you have any hobbies?: I do build hompages
Who are your favourite guys?: Casper Van Dien, Ryan Phillippe & Adam Sandler
I already loved you site, so keep updating and add more sexy pics on Casper.
charlotte simmons - 06/09/99 15:36:33
My Email:happyhorse@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: florida
What are your interests?: horses,
What do YOU think of Casper?: he is nice I met him Nov 97 at pleasure island. We had alot in common.
Do you have any hobbies?: I ride hunter jumpers.
If you have any info on his on web site I would like to say hello to him and see how he is doing.
Tony Barnette - 06/07/99 05:49:34
My Email:euphras@stonemedia,com
Where are you from?: Temple, Texas
What are your interests?: Painting
What do YOU think of Casper?: He's hot!!
What Movies do you like?: Interview w/ the Vampire, Starship Troopers, Forrest Gump
Do you have any hobbies?: Music
Who are your favourite guys?: brad pitt tom cruise tony goldwyn gary sinese
I'm glad you have a web in tribute to Casper!! No
web has pictures of him as hot as these!!
Tony Barnette - 06/07/99 05:49:12
My Email:euphras@stonemedia,com
Where are you from?: Temple, Texas
What are your interests?: Painting
What do YOU think of Casper?: He's hot!!
What Movies do you like?: Interview w/ the Vampire, Starship Troopers, Forrest Gump
Do you have any hobbies?: Music
Who are your favourite guys?: brad pitt tom cruise tony goldwyn gary sinese
I'm glad you have a web in tribute to Casper!! No
web has pictures of him as hot as these!!
hulka - 05/13/99 06:23:24
My Email:hulka99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Southern California
What do YOU think of Casper?: Big boobs.
Wow ! And I thought that most of the superficial men were in Southern California, that is until I saw your artwork and Casper here. Hee hee hee.
hulka - 05/13/99 06:23:23
My Email:hulka99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Southern California
What do YOU think of Casper?: Big boobs.
Wow ! And I thought that most of the superficial men were in Southern California, that is until I saw your artwork and Casper here. Hee hee hee.
hulka - 05/13/99 06:22:20
My Email:hulka99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Southern California
What do YOU think of Casper?: Big boobs.
Wow ! And I thought that most of the superficial men were in Southern California, that is until I saw your artwork and Casper here. Hee hee hee.
hulka - 05/13/99 06:22:18
My Email:hulka99@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Southern California
What do YOU think of Casper?: Big boobs.
Wow ! And I thought that most of the superficial men were in Southern California, that is until I saw your artwork and Casper here. Hee hee hee.
Vesa - 03/09/99 17:20:44
My Email:vesa77@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Finland
What are your interests?: sex, men and parties
What do YOU think of Casper?: cute,sexy,horny,hunk,gorgeous,my man!, so hot
What Movies do you like?: starship troopers
Do you have any hobbies?: sex, men and parties
Who are your favourite guys?: guess who?
Juliana Karina - 01/28/99 05:09:31
My Email:ponzo@interway.com.br
Where are you from?: Brazil
What are your interests?: movies
What do YOU think of Casper?: he is so gorgeous !!!So handsome!!!
What Movies do you like?: any kind
Do you have any hobbies?: TV and listen musics
Who are your favourite guys?: Casper van Dien.. ;O)
I liked your page...:)
and I love Casper too...:)
he is my prince!!;O)
PS:Sorry, my english is not good..
Charles - 12/11/98 15:47:37
My Email:dalido@juno.com
Where are you from?: D.C.
What are your interests?: Architecture, travel, rowing, fashion, Dalida.
What do YOU think of Casper?: Nothing could be finer.
What Movies do you like?: Babette's Feast, The Daytrippers, Sliding Doors, Trip to Bountiful, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
Do you have any hobbies?: Photography, collect French coins and ancient Roman rings.
Who are your favourite guys?: From the front or from behind, the dark-haired boy in the Fall 98 Guess ads is pretty good.
amy - 11/28/98 04:00:07
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:amymjz97@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: malaysia
What are your interests?: books,movies,songs
What do YOU think of Casper?: cute
What Movies do you like?: there,s something about mary
Do you have any hobbies?: reading,singing
Who are your favourite guys?: harrison ford,john travolta
i like it.
phil and mark - 10/29/98 05:55:10
My Email:batch6@webtv.net
Where are you from?: nevada
What are your interests?: men
What do YOU think of Casper?: HOT AND PERFECT!!
What Movies do you like?: in and out
Do you have any hobbies?: SURFING THE WEB
Who are your favourite guys?: JEFF STRYKER
10/23/98 10:27:04
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
gilbert flores - 09/05/98 20:06:31
My Email:gil_15@hotmail.com
What are your interests?: men
What do YOU think of Casper?: hot
What Movies do you like?: legend
Do you have any hobbies?: art
Who are your favourite guys?: anyone
Terry Christian - 09/04/98 01:32:37
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/CallMeTerry
My Email:tmchristian@juno.com
Where are you from?: Naples, Florida, USA
What are your interests?: hunkwatching, among other things
What do YOU think of Casper?: My oh My oh My
What Movies do you like?: I have several favorites-- Of his, I've only seen "Starship Troopers"
Do you have any hobbies?: writing, webpage design
Who are your favourite guys?: Dolph Lundgren, Rick Donovan, and now-- Casper!
When the term "eye candy" is finally added to Webster's Dictionary, this guy's picture WILL be next to it! Thanks for the treat. Great pix.
Rachel - 08/31/98 23:14:24
My Email:RSynnovea@aol.com
Where are you from?: Rhode Island
What are your interests?: Movies, Casper Van Dien
What do YOU think of Casper?: He's gorgeous
What Movies do you like?: L.A.Confidential, Primal Fear
Do you have any hobbies?: reading, playing the trumpet, collecting stuff
Who are your favourite guys?: Casper, Russell Crowe, Guy Pierce, Val Kilmer
I loved your website. I'd never seen some of your pics before. Great job.
paul - 07/27/98 03:02:20
My Email:paulj@rpa.net
Where are you from?: Upstate NY
What are your interests?: Well, finding this page give a hint
What do YOU think of Casper?: I would like to see who would have a heart attack first him or me
What Movies do you like?: His? Starship troopers
Do you have any hobbies?: karate, canoeing, art, history, writing the list gets a little long :)
Who are your favourite guys?: Bodies or minds?
Thanks for sharing, this is the 2nd great page I hit tonight. A good surf. Now who's behind the pix ? Its only fair after I answered. So what do YOU think of Casper :)
biggirlsblouse - 06/10/98 11:23:23
My Email:wazza@ozheaven.com
Where are you from?: jennygraigland
What are your interests?: maleapendages
What do YOU think of Casper?: scrumptious
What Movies do you like?: friskysummer
Do you have any hobbies?: lickinglollypops
Who are your favourite guys?: anywiththreelegs,speciallyifdrunk
biggirlsblouse - 06/10/98 11:18:46
My Email:wazza@ozheaven.com
Where are you from?: jennygraigland
What are your interests?: DICKS
What do YOU think of Casper?: scrumptious
What Movies do you like?: frisky summer
Do you have any hobbies?: suckin cock
Who are your favourite guys?: any with three legs, specially if drunk