August Song Dedications to Paolo
Crazy From Aerosmith is dedicated to Paolo by 15 year old Wendy who says "Hi Paolo...I just wanted to say I'm crazy for you!!
Head Over Feet By Alanis Morrisette is dedicated to Paolo by 19 year old Michelle and 18 year old Paula who both fall head over feet for Paolo everytime they see Cinderella.
Power Of love By Celine Dion is dedicated to Paolo by a 17 year old fan who goes by the nickname "Cinder-Ella" because she hopes one day she'll find a charming Prince like Paolo.
The Unchained Melody is dedicated to Paolo by Lana who says "its because there is no love song greater."
Saving all my love (for you) by Whitney Houston is dedicated to Paolo by 13 year olds Lisa and Sandy because they like that song, and they like Paolo.
The Twin Peaks Melody is dedicated to Paolo by Karen who heard it on a webpage and thought it was the most hypnotic and beautiful sound, Much like Paolo's voice.