Welcome to the OFFICIAL Sentinel The Movie Web Site
In a time of relative peace the world, major powers have become complacent. They don't relise there power could be crushed in a matter of weeks. A Secret group of agents and researchers under the leadership of the Sentinel plan to overthrow this power for a new world order.
This site has latest news, and information about Sentinel the Movie this great new up and coming movie. Sentinel the Movie is a story of conquest and war, a story of bravery and prowess. A story of secrets and secret agents and organisations. It is being filmed right now. Sentinel the Movie is due out summer 2003. So theres quite a while to go yet, but stay with us and we'll keep you posted.
This site has sneek previews of the film including exclusive Clips and even some sample script to give you a taste of things to come.
We hope you enjoy this site and that it will encourage you to watch Sentinel the Movie when it comes out.