In Loving Memory Of Lady Diana
Princess of Wales
July 1st, 1961 ~ August 31, 1997
An Old Irish Blessing
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The People's Princess
From her emergence in the public's eye with her engagement to Prince Charles, through the fairy tale wedding of the century and the births of her sons, and then through the following years in the unique balance of her public functions and the private life in raising her children, Lady Diana was an inspiration for millions around the world.
Few individuals have had a more profound affect on the world as Diana, Princess of Wales. While her beauty and natural charm attracted immediate attention, her warmth and sincerity touched the world. In her charitable work, ranging from advocating compassion for AIDS patients to her campaign against the use of land mines, Diana redefined the concept of a princess from regal remoteness to one in touch with the human condition.
Remembering Diana
Almost a year after Princess Diana's Death, The tears have dried and the Mountain of Flowers have been cleared away. But Diana's image remains indelible, and her memory a force for change at heart for the Monarchy.
Bouquets with Handwritten notes still appear Faithfully at the Gates of Kensington Palace, where the World kept a televised Vigil in the days after her Death in a Horrific car crash in a Paris Tunnel.
The Familiar Smile and the Famous Blue eyes still shine from the covers of Glossy Magazines and Newspapers on every newsstand in the World. The Tiara glitters on her short blond hair on Calanders, Coffee Mugs and Carousels of Postcards.
If you had been Asleep that week, you might be Misled to think that Diana is still with us. Her Memory, Her Soul hasn't been allowed to rest. Diana's Death and her Life "had an impact on the the Entire World.
The Violent death of a Vibrant 36 year old Woman whose Warmth and vulnerability Touched so many People and brought an outpouring of Public Emotion World Wide, Which briefly looked as if it Might get out of hand. Grief and Anger rattled the Palace Gates. The Crowd and the Tabloids Demanded a Display of Mourning.
On August 31st, when many People Around the World will take time to think about Diana, they will Remember her as they knew her - a Mischievous Sister, A Hardworking Charity Patron, A Demanding Employer, A Loyal Friend, A Dedicated Follower of Fashion, A Dazzling Dinner Companion. And regiments of Photographers on Every Continent will Remember Diana the Chameleon, Flirtatious and Elusive, the Ultimate Quarry.
But far more People will be Remembering a Woman they never met. They are free to Remember the Diana they wanted her to be.
You will Always be in My Heart Diana.
Bill Denton
"Candle in the Wind 97" by Elton John
Goodbye England's rose;
may you ever grow in our hearts.
You were the grace that placed itself
where lives were torn apart.
You called out to our country,
and you whispered to those in pain.
Now you belong to heaven,
and the stars spell out your name.
And it seems to me you lived your life
like a candle in the wind:
never fading with the sunset
when the rain set in.
And your footsteps will always fall here,
among England's greenest hills;
your candle's burned out long before
your legend ever will.
Loveliness we've lost;
these empty days without your smile.
This torch we'll always carry
for our nation's golden child.
And even though we try,
the truth brings us to tears;
all our words cannot express
the joy you brought us through the years.
Goodbye England's rose,
from a country lost without your soul,
who'll miss the wings of your compassion
more than you'll ever know.
Born on:
December 3rd, 1997
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