March 22-26: Saiyajin space trip! The amazing SPACE LIBRARY...

Vegeta, wanting to learn more about the potential of the Saiyajin race (perhaps in hopes that he'll find an edge in time for the Tenkaichi Budoukai?) had been making preparations for a trip to a library of legend far across space. In some cases eager to find out more about their heritage, and in other cases looking for a change of scenery, almost all of the Saiyajin and demi-Saiyajin choose to go along.

The departure itself and the trip to the planet were fairly uneventful, but it didn't take long for things to start getting weird once the group reached its destination. Gokou found himself a friend in a strange "flutterby" that seemed to be following him around -- and later on in the evening, the group was found by a large group of angry-looking locals! Fortunately, no one was hurt very badly before Vezelay began to understand the natives' speech, discovering that through witnessing the Saiyajin powering up, they came to believe that their new visitors were deities. The threat subsided for the time being, although strangely enough, it seemed that one of the locals had been helping the Saiyajin during the confrontation . . .

The new day brought with it new discoveries. Pan and Goten found a lot of strange glowing rocks outside, and Gohan discovered an interesting text among the library's volumes which he set to work translating. Goten, Trunks and Vez came across a strange Namek in the sub-basement named Parsely, who proceeded to draw some very disturbing artwork of the Saiyajin dying, and later, Trunks went outside to try to repair the ship, which was damaged during the natives' attack. Finally, flutterbys joined and rejoined the group.

However, the curiosity of the Saiyajin quickly became their downfall. In exploring the attic of the library with Trunks and Vegeta, Goten opened a large urn and is knocked through the floor unconscious by a demon creature that escaped and proceeded to free many of its friends. The others rushed to join the fight, and Gokou used instant transmission to quickly get Goten out of harm's way. Though he couldn't transmit off of the planet, there was one place he could go -- and that was to the spaceship of the mysterious "local" who had helped them out through the first battle and who had been quietly watching them since. While she took care of stabilizing Goten, Gokou went back to help the others, who sorely needed it, especially since Pan, too, had been injured. Trunks discovered that by opening the smaller urns, the smaller demons could be sucked inside, but it took all of the power of everyone present to take out the largest demon. The explosion made the library begin to shake, and Gokou brought the entire group, flutterbys and all, back to the girl's ship using IT once again. Fearing for Goten and wary of retaliation from angry natives, she quickly took off, heading for Earth as quickly as she could.

Unfortunately, the mischief was not over. Parsely admitted to working under Freeza and setting the situation up, for which offense Vegeta kicked him out one of the ship's airlocks.

Direct consequences:
1) Goten is sent in a coma and it is only through the use of the magic rocks and the flutterbys and the guidance of Bardock that he ultimately recovers, though Vezelay is able to give the others insight into his condition and talk to him while he is unconscious.
2) Gohan finds the spell which brings dead people back to life.
3) Piper is introduced to the group.
4) Trunks becomes the first one infected with a mysterious virus that will soon affect all humans and demi-Saiyajin in the group, though the illness takes a while to manifest itself.

Indirect consequences:
1) Bardock, Brolli, and Nappa are brought back to life.
2) Future Bardock comes back from the future to save this timeline from the virus.
3) Vez is brought back to life after being executed.