That's what I'm here for...this is low-budget sci-fi with cgi monsters chasing a diverse band of space travellers that are stranded on a planet that is going to be immersed in total darkness by an eclipse. Why is that important? Because when it's pitch black, so to speak, the cgi monsters come out to eat people. What's cgi <sigh>... ok, it's "computer generated" monsters, and you can kind of tell they are cg.
Hmmm, I could say "Please stay home!" but hey, I'm sure you're a nice person anyway. Maybe you'll like Vin Diesel?
Nah, you're probably a Tom Hanks/Greg Kinnear freak.
No, it has the same "monster chasing a group of diverse space travellers" (see above) theme that you've seen before, but it is interesting nonetheless. There are thousands of creatures this time, and though there are scenes where you'll go "no way they're going to survive that" and of course they do, this doesn't detract from the movie.
Riddick is a con who was locked up in a prison where there was little light, and to survive he bribed a doctor to surgically alter his eyes so he could see better at night. Of course this makes his eyes sensitive to light, hence the shades. And this conveniently helps him when everything turns Pitch Black after the eclipse. How convenient, I know.
About 2 people will read this, sadly, so my recommendation doesn't matter, but I would say it's at least a matinee. What else are you going to see, Hanging Up, for God's sake??
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