"Modern Prometheus"
"Till Death" & "Through a Glass, Darkly"File 1Previous Episodes
File 2File 3
File 4
File 5
Byron/Methos: I
say we take her...
Methos: Perhaps,
dear Mary, life is not truly journey's end...
Byron: THAT
was a very good try.
Duncan/Joe: "Don't
hold yourself responsible for it." "Hey, you would."
Methos/Byron: It
used to be more than a show...
Byron: Decency
means nothing.
Byron: Do
you want a tombstone that says...
Methos: You're
not listening to me-- I don't want a tombstone.
Byron: Look
at her. FEEL her hunger...
Mary/Methos: "What
have I to offer in such company?" "Your heart..."
Methos/Byron: "Who
do you think is going to live longest?" "Who cares?" "I do."
Byron: You
know what I've become.
File 1 sounds.
That is the $64,000 question.
Methos/Duncan: I
was married...
Methos: Do
I look like an actor?
Duncan: We're
just protecting 'er assets.
Methos: Part
of my charm.
Methos: I'll
cook it for you sometime.
Duncan: Great.
Methos: I
haven't felt guilt since the 11th century.
Methos: Yeah,
but I want to see me live happily ever after even more.
Methos: I
wouldn't stay at any hotel that Adam Pierson could afford.
Methos: It's
finally happened. You've lost you're mind.
Methos: Oh
no, that's not fair. You're making it personal now.
Methos: Read
my lips... N. O.
Methos: Okay,
you didn't come here to exchange recipes.
Methos: So
lure him outside and take his head. Problem solved.
File 2 sounds.
Methos: I
don't give a damn.
Methos: That's
the deal, take it or leave it.
Duncan/Methos: "Fine."
"Good." "Good." "Right."
Duncan: With
friends like you, who needs enemies?
Methos: Ohhhh,
I dunno-- pretty funny from here.
Methos: Like
you say, darling, I'm an actor.
Methos: I
can explain-- it was a joke.
Methos: Hey,
I need a place to live.
Methos: Gotta
do something about this music. There's no Springsteen, no Queen...
Methos: My
chair now!
Methos: Have
a nice day.
Methos: I
was just thinking the same thing.
Methos: Yeah,
I'm serious.
Methos/Robert de Valicourt: Showtime.
Duncan: Oh
really? I think I should take your head.
File 3 sounds.
Methos: It's
because you think I'm English-- it's my accent...
Methos: Yeah--
I can see that that could get a bit annoying.
Methos: Maybe
he hasn't got out of bed yet.
Methos: You
think it takes courage to do what we do? ...
Methos: I
think I'd better go.
Methos: Candygram!
Methos: A
couple of Medieval songwriters come up with the idea of chivalry one rainy
Methos: You
spend whatever time you have left dying-- or you spend it living.
Amanda: Have
a little faith.
File 4 sounds.
Methos: I
don't-- I don't want to make a fool of myself.
Methos: Someone
had to.
Methos: I'm
sorry, Joe, I'm just a guy.
Methos: Not
the carpet...! Nice kitty, nice kitty... Please kitty-- don't step there
kitty...! No, not the alarm!
Methos: Great,
she knocked me on my bum because I make a bad joke. Very macho.
Methos: It's
my nose, isn't it?
Methos: The
thought of you becoming all-powerful scares the hell out of me even now.
Methos: Lucky
guess-- or else I've become horribly predictable.
Methos: Yeah,
from the first moment I saw her. Is that supposed to make it easier? Is
that supposed to make it okay?...
File 5 sounds.
Amanda/Methos: "Methos!"
"WHAT!?" ... "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
Duncan: Whadya
steal this time?
Methos: You
try living one year knowing that your time is running out...
Methos: That's
the way it is for them. So little TIME for them to SEE anything or DO anything.
Methos: Why
would I tell the truth?
Methos/Amanda: "You
understand nothing... Three weeks ago, we were standing on a beach..."
Methos: Because
the alternative is unthinkable.
Methos: I
haven't seen a vault this tough since I rode with Butch and Sundance.
Methos: Talk
about the blind leading the visually challenged!
Duncan: What?
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