The dogs being patriotic for September 11th
This page is dedicated to our kids!

This is Ripley, the cat dog.
Ripley was practically raised by Slater, so she thinks she's part cat. She likes to sleep on top of the back cushion of the couch and until 3 months ago she never barked, instead she made a whimper that sounded more like a "meow".
Some of Ripley's nicknames are: Muppet Puppy Face, Puppet Muppy Face, Ripley Face, and Don't Chew On That!!!!
Ripley's favorite shows are: The Planet's Funniest Animals, the Alien series (she is named after Ellen Ripley), and Cats & Dogs.
We're not exactly sure what breed she is. Obviously a mix, but of what? The vet suggested Australian Shepherd, which fits, but all her brothers and sisters look like Boxers, so who knows what she'll end up looking like.

This is Tuesday, the Alpha.
Tuesday was adopted by Carri from the vet she works at (Tues was a parvo puppy named.....dare I say....Tupac). She think s she's a person and therefore, doesn't want to do anything dogs are supposed to do, but that's all part of her charm. She enjoys hiking and has an unnatural obsession for Giggle Balls.
Some of Tuesday's nicknames are: Alpha, Boo-boo Magoo, Shoo-shay, and (please forgive me, Carri..) Beefcake or Footstool.
Tuesday's favorite shows are: Emergency Vets and Cujo.
Tuesday is a Chow-lab mix, which explains her attitude and her beefyness and her protectiveness over Carri. Needless to say, she's still kinda mad at me for taking away her attention.

We also have another dog named Sprocket, named after the dog on Fraggel Rock.
Sprocket was yet another rescue from the vet. He was in a very serious accident and his hind legs and pelvis had to be reconstructed. He's fine now, but walks with a slight limp. He and Ripley have become attached at the hip....literally. Ripley just can't stop chewing on Sprocket's hind legs.
Some of Sprocket's nicknames are: Doodle-bug, Sprockey-doodle, Muppet, and I sometimes call him Funny Face.
Sprockey's favorite shows are: Fraggel Rock, and most of the other Muppet Movies and shows.

This is Bartleby, our cat.
Bartleby was also adopted from the vet Carri works at, he was a blood doner. He likes to ride around on peoples shoulders and jump on your bladder at the most inconvenient times. He's very un-cat like though, he hates all cat toys. He does like cat-nip however ;)
Some of Bartleby's nicknames are: Actually, he doesn't really have any nicknames. Sometimes Carri calls him Bartleby-kitties, but that's about it.
Bartleby's favorite shows are: Dogma (he was named after Ben Affleck's character), and the rest of the View Askew movies.

This is Loki, our newest addition to the family.
Loki was also adopted from the vet Carri works at (suprise suprise), ahe was abandoned. Like her big brother, she likes riding on people's shoulders and chewing on the dogs' ears. She's a bit confused about her species though, she thinks Ripley is her mother.
Some of Loki's nicknames are: Kitty-head, pookie-face, and other sickeningly adorable crap like that.
Loki's favorite shows are: Dogma (she was named after Matt Damon's character), Aliens (trying to suck up to Ripley), and comercials (she's a kitten, ok, she has no attention span!).
Last but not least, we have a fish. A Beta named VHS....get it? Oh, laugh, you know you want to!!!
We got VHS from our friends Steve and Amy. VHS doesn't do much except swim around his little bowl and plot to take over the world.
Here are a few pics of all our pets....
Sprocket: Being Patriotic.
Tuesday: Being silly with her Giggle-Ball.
Ripley: When she was a puppy.
Ripley: Sportin' a new jacket.
Ripley: In her diapers...she hit puberty.
Bartleby: Being Patriotic.
Loki: Stuffed in my pocket.
And alas, we can't forget those dearly departed pets
R.I.P. Slater
March 9, 1994 - May 10, 2001

Here are some pictures he wanted me to post of him in his everyday life.
Picture1: Getting stoned.
Picture2: After getting stoned.
Picture3: Super Moose
Picture4: Looking out the window with Ripley
Picture5: "WHAT?!"
Picture6: The Mac-Daddy
Picture7: "Hint hint hint"
R.I.P. Bagel

Bagel was Carri's Beagle. He died June 19th, 2001.
R.I.P. Olly
Olly was my Tree Frog that mysteriously dissapeared a day or two after we brought Bartleby home.
Well, that's it for my dedication page to our kids......
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This page was last updated on 9/5/01
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