Joining The Sheena Easton Webring...
a.k.a. "What Do I Do?"

Some Basic Rules

1. As with most webrings, new sites entering into the webring will be placed in a "queue" on the Webring Directory Page. The domain that hosts all the webring information (navigational info, etc.) will allow each website owner to have control over their own site, including a password for editing your information, etc.

2. Since I am the owner of the webring, I will be approving sites to be included. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to be a web-tyrant, but I want to make sure that no negative information appears on any site included in the ring. All pages submitted with appropriate Sheena Easton-related material will be added to the ring once they are in the queue and I've had a chance to look at your site. There are not going to be any rules as to what your site MUST have, OTHER than the required graphic & navigational rules. (supplied and explained on the next page)

3. With that said, please understand that the Webring Graphic MUST APPEAR ON YOUR SITE, ON YOUR INDEX (FIRST) PAGE FOR YOUR SHEENA PAGES. Any site NOT displaying the graphic will be taken out of the ring until the graphic appears as it should. Having the same graphic appear on all of our pages will add to the professionalism & integrity of the ring, as well as adding a sense of continuity.

4. Your Sheena related pages on your site must NOT contain any broken links. These sites will be tested weekly for broken links and if one is found, you will be notified and requested to correct the link. Broken links not fixed within 72 hours will result in that members webring page being removed from the ring until fixed.

5. Have Fun with your page! The purpose of a webring is to bring more traffic to each of our sites, and help spread the word about our ring subject! However, please realize that these rules are being put in place so that this webring will be successful.

6. In the case of subject or ruling dispute, the issue may be discussed with other webring owners to garner an opinion on a decision. In any case, disputes or disagreements should not be debated on the Sheena Mailing List as it is not the appropriate forum for such. Monthly, I will try & send a "Webring Webmaster Contact Sheet" to each of the listed webring site owners, and we could create our own list which will distribute only to us.