ana maria botero - 08/22/00 03:41:48 My Country: colombia Favorite Hanson Song: a song to sing and this time around How you found this page: in | Comments: i loved this page |
Tori - 07/09/00 04:16:50 My Email:ITZ Just Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: All of em! :o)~ How you found this page: Just lookin on a link page | Comments: Love it! It was almost kinda real! Pretty interesting! Love the whole page, and I love all of Hanson's music! I gotta jet! Toodles! |
Nicola Patterson - 12/30/99 01:33:33 My Country: New Zealand Favorite Hanson Song: Wheres the love How you found this page: My Friends | Comments: This site is awesome so while I'm searching this cool site I'm mmmbopping down to some hanson music |
jenine carr - 09/11/99 09:32:27 My Email:jenine_carr hotmail Country: England Favorite Hanson Song: Mmmbop How you found this page: search 4 something cool | Comments: this is a really cool hanson webpage. It's got a cool name which made me want to come and take a look. I'm glad I did because it's really COOL GOTTA GO C YA love jenine |
Steve - 09/11/99 07:14:52 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: MmmBop or River How you found this page: webring | Comments: I (steve) hope they hurry and get their new CD out. Here is a message we wanted to share... The youth of Hollywood many times give Oscar worthy performances in movies (like in this year's "October Sky" & "Sixth Sense") yet they are consistently overlooked since they have to compete against adult actors. This is why we are attempting to get The cademy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences to add two new Oscar Awards for those under 18... Best Young Actor in a Motion Picture & Best Young Actress in a Motion Picture. For information on how you can help this happen in time for the next Oscar ceremony PLEASE take a minute and visit our new website about this at: We and all young actors need your help! Thank You, Steve & Emily |
Zac's Girl - 06/01/99 00:27:03 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Lucy How you found this page: My friend told me to check it out | Comments: This page is awesome! I loved the story! It was so cool!!! I just want everyone to know that Hanson Rules! And that if you dont like Hanson then, well, hey what can I say to people that ain't got NO TASTE!!!!! Remember Hanson RULES!!! Peace,Love,Live Hans n,and Bullet-proof marshmallows!!!!! |
Andrew Martinez - 04/16/99 13:22:55 Country: U.S.A. Favorite Hanson Song: MMM BOP How you found this page: Browsing Around | Comments: This Sight is so cool! Keep up the good work. I'll visit your sight later! Thanks! Hanson Fan, HANSON RULES! Andrew Martinez HANSON POWER! Westminster, Colorado |
Ashley - 01/16/99 19:34:28 My URL:not availible n/a My Country: U.S.A Favorite Hanson Song: What Christmas Means To Me How you found this page: I clicked on a page that said Taylor then I just clicked on sighn guest book | Comments: Hey i have all the cd's expt for 1 including Live from Albertaine which I got!!!!!And I really Loooovvveeeee Hanson..... |
cindy wisely - 12/29/98 05:01:19 My URL:http://~*super chik*~ My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: i will come to you How you found this page: just searched for hanson | Comments: i think that hanson's the greatest band in the world and i saw them live at there press conference in seattle at planet hollywood it was great i wish i could get like a signed picture of them or something. |
amy - 11/26/98 16:00:39 My Email:hansonyam Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: i will come to you How you found this page: | Comments: PLEASE E-AIL ME!!!!! |
Brittany - 11/24/98 21:38:35 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Man from Mwakie How you found this page: Typed in Hanson and here I am | Comments: This is my first time I have been here and I am having a blast. Thank you for making me feel at home. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Staff of Hanson Top 50 Stories - 10/21/98 05:46:27 My URL:/SunsetStrip/Amphitheatre/1340/index.html My | Comments:![]() |
Hanson Lover - 10/05/98 03:35:40 Country: Australia Favorite Hanson Song: I love all of them their music is too cool to pick just one! How you found this page: Netsearch | Comments: Your page is Exellent! If Taylor,Zac of Ike ever reads this hi!! Your music is sooooooo cool I listen to it all the time! All my friends get sick of me playing it!!! |
Hanson Lover - 10/05/98 03:28:56 Country: Australia Favorite Hanson Song: I love all of them their music is too cool to pick just one! How you found this page: Netsearch | Comments: Your page is Exellent! If Taylor,Zac of Ike ever reads this hi!! Your music is sooooooo cool I listen to it all the time! All my friends get sick of me playing it!!! |
Stephanie - 10/03/98 20:22:16 Country: United States Favorite Hanson Song: Cried How you found this page: surfed | Comments: The story rules!!! |
Cindy - 09/29/98 07:06:12 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Swarna - 09/21/98 13:08:44 My URL: My Favorite Hanson Song: all How you found this page: a link on an other hanson page | Comments: Visit my Hanson story links page and submit your own link if you have a Hanson story! |
Annika Cooper - 09/13/98 20:02:39 | Comments: |
- 09/09/98 01:57:36 | Comments: |
Diana aka Lady D - 09/07/98 20:02:03 My Country: USA( I live in the wonderful state of oklahoma) Favorite Hanson Song: All of them( I can't decide) How you found this page: Just surfing | Comments: I like the page a lot otherwise I wouldn't be signing the web page. I like the story, and I took the right way to meet them. If only it were true though. Hehe! I'd be soooo happy. You should make more interative stories. The page would be even cooler than it already is. Well just wanted to say great page and keep up the great work. :) By the way, if u didn't already know this....... I LOVE HANSON!!!!!!!! Diana aka Lady D |
Sherwin Reyes Bocade - 09/07/98 07:35:57 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Weird How you found this page: seaching for Hanson | Comments: i just want to say that you guys are awesome and outstanding especially Zac. i hope you guys will go far that no one will be able to catch you. Later!! |
Jillian - 09/06/98 22:11:37 My Email:Jill195 Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Stories How you found this page: AOL Netfind | Comments: Your page rules! I love the story.And you said that I could get the chance to meet them.Is it true? If it is,email me K? Does the story change? |
Jenna Oshie - 09/06/98 21:31:52 | Comments: |
kerry potter - 09/06/98 21:18:09 Favorite Hanson Song: wird How you found this page: put in Hanson | Comments: I like izac I like zac |
jennifer potter - 09/06/98 21:12:19 Favorite Hanson Song: man from milwalke How you found this page: put in HANSON | Comments: I think zac is so so so cute. He is the cutest one in the grop. My name is Jennifer lynn Potter and i'm 11 year old. |
hanson - 09/06/98 01:51:58 My URL: My Country: Germany Favorite Hanson Song: All of them How you found this page: From the computer | Comments: Hey I'm in Hanson and to all you Hanson haters fuck you. You guys suck and the only reason you don't like us is because you are jelous of our aryian race. Blond hair and blue eyes is the way to go. |
Stephanie - 09/06/98 01:28:41 | Comments: |
- 09/05/98 22:00:35 | Comments: |
Courtney Day - 09/05/98 19:45:27 Favorite Hanson Song: Storys | Comments: |
Bananas - 09/05/98 02:54:03 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Wheres The Love How you found this page: Looked up Hanson Stories and here it was | Comments: I love this page!!!!! Hanson Rules!!!!!!!! |
jennifer - 09/04/98 18:20:10 My Email:buffy6888 Country: united staes Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: netfind | Comments: they are cute but i wouldnt yell when i saw them |
Anna - 09/03/98 01:17:41 My | Comments: Hey yall! I am not a Hanson fan! I am totally commited to 'N Sync! So why am I here you ask?! Well I wanted to give all their real fans the chance to purchase from me the posters I have of them. They will be cheap cause they don't mean anything to me. I w ll probably burn them or something later to get rid of them so e-mail me if you are interested! Bye Bye Now! |
LOLIPOP180 - 09/03/98 00:00:08 My URL:dont have one My Email:dont have one Country: U.S.A Favorite Hanson Song: ALL OF THEM How you found this page: JUST SURFING THE NET | Comments: HANSON ROX!TAYLOR HANSON IF YOU EVER READ THIS I JUST WANNA SAY HI TO YOU AND YOUR SIBLINGS. LOVE AND LOLIPOPS, YEVETTE |
Meg - 09/02/98 14:11:55 My URL:don't have one My Email:don't wanna give it Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: like them all How you found this page: searched | Comments: I think that HANSON is Awesum... all of their songs really hit home. They look really good in concert and I think that ur website rocks!!!! P.S. I Love Taylor!! Zac iz cute and Ike iz Awesome... ITZ Rocks |
Monica - 09/01/98 23:47:26 My Email:HansonG10 Country: CA Favorite Hanson Song: Lucy How you found this page: i looked in a mag and it said this name so i tried it! | Comments: I love hanson,Zac rocks! |
monica - 09/01/98 23:44:29 My Email:HansonG10 | Comments: |
HEATHER - 08/28/98 19:55:57 My Email:ZAK4ME@AOL.COM Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: RIVER How you found this page: JUST SURFING THE WEB | Comments: HANSON IS DA BOMB |
Candice - 08/24/98 16:49:19 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: More Than Anything How you found this page: good.. | Comments: Ok here's my idea...I want to make a yearbook a REAL yearbook of anyone thats a Hanson fan. What i'm going to do is, get the yearbooks made at a printing press. And sell them for however much I need to sell them for to pay for the cost of everythi g. And I am going to try and get one copy to Hanson themselves. They WILL get one. I am checking on price's different printing presses will charge me. But what I need is every Hanson fan that wants to participate's help. I need you to email me and I will ive you my at home address, so you can send me whatever you want to contribute, your picture, drawings, letters etc. I am not posting my home address here for saftey reasons. But please, no letters with stuff like "Marry me Taylor", "Oh you guys are sooo ine". That's not very respectful, and if you send me stuff like that, it will just get sent back to you. But, their is a cost for PUTTING stuff in the yearbook also, to help pay for them, you must send me 1 US dollar for everything you contribute. Anythin you send me will be non-returnable...unless it's REALLY neccassary you have something back. I promise I am not going to rip anyone off. I just want to make a nice Hanson fans yearbook..If you send me something that I think is unappropriate, it will not b put in the yearbook. It will be returned to you, along with your money back. I don't have any sort of idea as to what i'm going to call this, I decided to have a contest, for who could design the best cover. Well I hope to get as many peopl as I can to participate in this. Oh yeah, the only thing that is a must is you HAVE TO send me a picture of yourself to be a part of this. email me to get my address here: or if you have ic , message me, my number is 13176068. Or for more information please visit my web site at: |
- 08/08/98 18:35:26 Country: Halifax,nova Scotia CANADA | Comments: Great story |
Melissa Morron - 08/08/98 03:40:32 Favorite Hanson Song: Lucy How you found this page: MY tape of Middle Of Nowhere | Comments: If iever had a chance to meet zac i would ask him if he liks to climb trees, skate bord,roller skate,and do lots of other stuf like just play like other kids hey zac if you are reading this would you every try to get away from your body gards man that mus be mesde upto be coped up and rarley get to play if i was you i would atlest be abol to play with my the way my name is melissa jo morron and iam 13 years old i like to play all kinds af sports and most of all i love to climb trees, skat bord, oller skate. sincely melissa morron |
Amanda Wood - 07/26/98 17:15:17 Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: I love them all How you found this page: Looking at all the web sites | Comments: I love Hanson! |
Amanda Wood - 07/26/98 16:53:32 Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: I love them all How you found this page: Looking at all the web sites | Comments: I love Hanson! |
Beck-Ashlea Hanson - 07/23/98 23:13:30 My URL: My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: I love 'em all but if I HAD to choose, it would be "Stories". How you found this page: It was on another page. | Comments: This story is really cool becasue a)itz interactive and b)I was at Canada's Wonderland, where this story was(I think) based from. Wonderland was amazing! Well, I gtg, but please visit my page! Beck-Ashlea :D |
michelle - 07/15/98 06:36:56 My URL: My Country: good ole' USA Favorite Hanson Song: with you in your dreams How you found this page: through another guestbook | Comments: Awesome page. It's got alot of originality to it, definetly keep it up :) And, if you're really bored, visit my page sometime.. |
Heather - 07/13/98 20:01:27 My URL: My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: madeline | Comments: Great page.Come to mine & sign my guestbook!! |
Anna - 07/09/98 16:31:16 My Email:none of your business Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: searched for hanson and here it was | Comments: I love ZAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-) |
Mandy - 07/09/98 00:45:37 My Country: America,baby!!! Favorite Hanson Song: Look at You How you found this page: Netsearch | Comments: Hanson rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially Tay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
- 07/08/98 09:20:07 | Comments: |
Pauline Anderson - 07/08/98 09:18:34 My Email:Pauline_Ab Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: | Comments: i want to marry Tayler |
jack ars - 07/07/98 14:49:24 My URL: gj32ebafhksbwe,n./.;.com My Email:not telling you Country: Stupid buthead Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: what the hell | Comments: Have no idea |
jack ars - 07/07/98 14:48:41 My URL: gj32ebafhksbwe,n./.;.com My Email:not telling you Country: Stupid buthead Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: what the hell | Comments: Have no idea |
jack ars - 07/07/98 14:48:32 My URL: gj32ebafhksbwe,n./.;.com My Email:not telling you Country: Stupid buthead Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: what the hell | Comments: Have no idea |
daft ars - 07/07/98 14:43:28 My Email:daft Country: indonesia Favorite Hanson Song: gc `bh,mbh How you found this page: don't be nosey | Comments: bla bla bla bla bla bla |
mystrey - 07/07/98 14:20:22 My Email:not telling you Country: Ha ha Favorite Hanson Song: T.O.Y How you found this page: My ars | Comments: Hanson are really goood and I Love Taylor and Issac wash your hair |
Melanie - 07/04/98 01:58:30 My Country: Los Estados Unidos Favorite Hanson Song: Weird (Spelled wrong) How you found this page: Search Engine | Comments: Nice page! |
Jessica - 06/30/98 23:04:28 My Email:------- Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Two Tears and River but i like them all!! How you found this page: going to a Hanson stories page and clicking on Hanson story Links | Comments: i loved your story it was great!! you should do more of those Interactive stories i love them!! my fav is Zac...i actually met them!! i'm not lying i really met them!! |
Mel and Lauryn, the greatest girls in the world - 06/26/98 21:03:47 My URL: My Country: United States of America Favorite Hanson Song: other How you found this page: We was searching for our site | Comments: Your story and site both suck like hell!!!! Hey, if you see our site tell us!!! |
Danielle - 06/26/98 09:38:15 Country: Favorite Hanson Song: Day has come How you found this page: infoseek | Comments: I love Hanson ecspecily Zac. |
Linda Tucker - 06/26/98 03:37:59 My URL: My Country: U.S.A Favorite Hanson Song: Yearbook How you found this page: A friend told me | Comments: Lovely page! |
Natacha - 06/23/98 14:22:47 My Country: Canada | Comments: Hi I LOVE HANSON WRITE TO ME PLEASE THANKS !!!! IF YOUR A 14 FEMALE OR MALE WRITE TO ME!!!!!! LOVE NAT :) 4EVER!!!!!!!!:) |
Natacha legault - 06/23/98 14:15:38 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: Mmmbop | Comments: Hi as you know my name is Natacha. I'm 14\f, I love Basketball and Hanson. Please write to me and I'll write back to you, I'm single. I have aubrun hair and green eyes. Please write to me. Thanks Love always Nat :) |
Natacha legault - 06/23/98 14:14:57 My Favorite Hanson Song: Mmmbop | Comments: Hi as you know my name is Natacha. I'm 14\f, I love Basketball and Hanson. Please write to me and I'll write back to you, I'm single. I have aubrun hair and green eyes. Please write to me. Thanks Love always Nat :) |
Karin - 06/17/98 09:01:19 My Country: Sweden Favorite Hanson Song: Surely as the sun How you found this page: searched for Hanson | Comments: Taylor Hanson is so cute!!! |
Colleen - 06/14/98 01:09:44 Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: LUCY How you found this page: my cousin | Comments: its great |
Victoria - 06/13/98 17:33:10 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: River/Madeline How you found this page: links | Comments: AS ALWAYS,HANSON RULZZZZZZZZZZ! PEACE,VICTORIA:) |
Laura - 06/12/98 22:33:02 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: all How you found this page: Searched Hanson | Comments: Ya your page is okay but you need alot of ZAC pictures. Some girls that sign your guestbook are rude and selfish saying Zac is theres and all this shit. Anyway I'm not that kind of person. Well keep working on it. See ya Peace to all that love Hanson Keep them #1!!! Peace, love and bullet-proof marshmallows!! Laura |
Serena - 06/06/98 00:22:01 My URL: My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: Madeline/Stories...I love 'em all! How you found this page: A link | Comments: What a cool idea :) Very original! I'll definately recommend this site to my page visitors. Please visit my site sometime, I'd really appreciate it! Also, the link to your 'sign the guestbook' on all of your pages except the main page doesn't work. (and I m sure you REALLY want to go through all those pages and change the link huh? I don't blame ya! :) Anyway, keep up the cool site :) |
Taysgirl16 - 06/03/98 23:23:22 My Country: Middle of Nowhere(u.s) Favorite Hanson Song: Stories How you found this page: surfing | Comments: This page ROCKS!!!!! I LOVE HANSON. Especiallly TAYLOR. HE IS THE HOTTEST. AND FOR SOME GIRLS INFO ISAAC DOES NOT HAVE A FAKE EYE. HIS EYE IS LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF THE FLASH FROM THE CAMERA'S FROM , AN OBSESSED HANSON FAN |
Ami - 06/03/98 22:21:54 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: wellllllll, Two Tears How you found this page: I just did | Comments: I LOVE HANSON...THEY ARE THE BEST PEOPLE HAVE THE FUNNEST CONCERTS THIS PAGE IS TOTALLY COOL! THANKS MAN FOR MAKEN' IT! TATA FOR NOW! |
Emma Hunter - 05/28/98 22:18:15 My Country: U.S.A Favorite Hanson Song: Lucy, I will come to you and A minute without you. How you found this page: Searched Hanson | Comments: Good page. Here is a litel message to you Zac luvers out there, (exept Kaci Gross,Marinea or Lauren.s) ZAC IS MINE AND NOBYELES EXEPED FOR THE NAMES MENTIONED! SO LAY OFF MY (OUR) MAN!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
steph - 05/25/98 20:52:54 My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: i will come to you How you found this page: another site | Comments: it's pretty cool. some of the stuff in the profiles of the guys is wrong though. |
Nichoe Hanson - 05/16/98 18:15:49 My Email:bjork22webtv Country: us Favorite Hanson Song: cried How you found this page: search | Comments: I love Hanson |
Shockwave63 - 05/10/98 00:01:12 My URL: My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: Thinking Of You How you found this page: Link List | Comments: Hey! Cool page! Come visit my page ans PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! It's not hard. |
Jayme Mishell Noel - 05/08/98 14:00:08 My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: looking for concert ine | Comments: I love all the Hansons,but especially Zac. I want them to come to Tulsa ,Oklahoma for a concert. They are all great. Thank You for letting me sign in here. Hanson fan, Jayme Mishell Noel. |
Jayme Noel - 05/08/98 13:33:46 My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: serach-Hanson | Comments: |
Holly - 05/06/98 22:17:26 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: don't have one I love them all How you found this page: surfing | Comments: Your site is cool. |
Holly - 05/06/98 22:15:46 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: don't have one I love them all How you found this page: surfing | Comments: Your site is cool. |
Elise - 05/05/98 00:23:18 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: MMMBop How you found this page: Through another page, on the voting thing, the super spifty Hanson page i think | Comments: HANSON ROCKS! I LUV THE STORY! I AM GLAD I LIKE KAKI'S |
Elise - 05/05/98 00:22:25 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: MMMBop How you found this page: Through another page, on the voting thing, the super spifty Hanson page i think | Comments: HANSON ROCKS! I LUV THE STORY! I AM GLAD I LIKE KAKI'S |
Krystal Watkinson - 04/29/98 00:11:17 Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: ALL OF THEM! How you found this page: Just looking around | Comments: Hanson are the BEST! Follow your dreams and they will come true! |
Kelly Batson - 04/28/98 21:20:54 My Email:JOHNCWA Country: U,S.A Favorite Hanson Song: With You In Your Dreams How you found this page: Stumbled onto it | Comments: This Page is so Cool! I love your story! You are so cool! |
stephanie - 04/23/98 15:44:47 My Email:sandbbf Country: unitid states Favorite Hanson Song: MADILINE How you found this page: friend | Comments: love hanson aspessialy Zac! |
Sara Emmons - 04/20/98 19:07:24 My Country: U.S.A. Favorite Hanson Song: "Cried" How you found this page: Linxs | Comments: Very neat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
CrYsTaL - 04/18/98 17:52:55 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Like them all, but my favorites are~Weird, Thinking of You,~from MON, Christmas time, What Christmas Means To Me, Merry Christmas Baby~From Snowed In, Baby Your So Fine~from MmmBop, and Poison Ivy and Boomerang~from Boomerang! ! How you found this page: AOL Netfind | Comments: This page rocks! You must really work hard on it! Keep up the good work!! Hanson Rulz!! |
UNKNOW - 04/15/98 16:20:05 Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: ALL How you found this page: C.D. Middle of Nowhere | Comments: I think Tay is soooo HOT!!!!! I wish I could see them Up Close and Personal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Obsessed Fan - 04/13/98 23:05:36 Country: U.S.A. Favorite Hanson Song: MINUTE WITHOUT YOU How you found this page: NET SEARCH | Comments: I Think Zac and Tay are HOT!!! P.S.You have alot of mispellings on the Interactive Game also I think the game is realy cool! |
Woman from Milwaukee - 04/13/98 23:00:04 Country: U.S.A. Favorite Hanson Song: Man from Milwaukee How you found this page: net search | Comments: I think Zac is sooo CUTE!I like Zac friends call me psycho girl since Zac is psycho boy! |
ZAC HANSON - 04/13/98 20:53:05 My URL:http://HANSONLONE My Email:HANSONLINE Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: ALL OF THEM How you found this page: I LOOKED UNDER HANSON STORIES | Comments: I LOVE YOUR HOMEPAGE. I LOVE YOU MAN |
Kristen - 04/13/98 17:23:22 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: ALL How you found this page: Through another page! | Comments: I LOVE the story keep up the good work! Luv And Hanson Always, ~Kristen~ |
danielle v - 04/13/98 16:38:02 Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: weird How you found this page: looking on webclawer | Comments: zac is really cute and fuuny |
Tiffany Thompson - 04/08/98 23:42:47 My Country: U.S.A. Favorite Hanson Song: ANYTHING BY THEM!!! How you found this page: umm, looking at sites??? | Comments: I love Hanson and I was just at their house 3 weeks ago!!!! Tiffany Thompson Norman, Oklahoma |
Sarah - 04/03/98 17:48:52 My Country: Sweden (gothamburg) Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: search on geocites | Comments: I LOVE HANSON! I hope they come to Sweden some time......SOON! mmmbop is life and love and its takes you through the life hardest times so just sing mmmbop badu ba dop...........! (excuse my spelling mistake) hanson 4-ever |
Kara - 04/02/98 00:51:32 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Don't Know How you found this page: Search | Comments: I LOVE ZAC!!! |
Stefanie - 03/31/98 22:07:01 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Weird How you found this page: I forget | Comments: I love Hanson!! |
Jessica and Emily - 03/30/98 04:19:16 Country: New Zealand Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop | Comments: |
Keely - 03/29/98 23:03:37 My Country: Sydney.Nova Scotia, Canada Favorite Hanson Song: All of them! How you found this page: I Have no idea! | Comments: Your Page is the first i've seen with an interactive story! Very cool! |
Cassidy - 03/29/98 18:14:39 My Country: United States Favorite Hanson Song: UmmmmBop How you found this page: Surfed on | Comments: Well I don't like Issac but owell he has a fake eye ball! But I do like Zac and Taylor they're pretty cute I mean really cute!! |
ASHTYN - 03/29/98 00:02:41 Country: US Favorite Hanson Song: MAN FROM MILWAUKEE How you found this page: SURFED IN | Comments: HANSON ROCKS ESPECIALLY ZAC! |
Cassie - 03/27/98 18:57:21 My Country: Oregon Favorite Hanson Song: Ever one they ever wrote How you found this page: ??????????????????? | Comments: I LOVE HANSON LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like Ike because he is "weird" & very very funny!! I like Taylor because he is so shy & cute & sooo sexy!!! I like Zac because he is so silly & knows how to make your day!!!!!! I am also looking for a good responcible E- mail penpal.They would have to E- mail me every day or more & have alote to say! Any age I don't care who.*PLEASE BE MY PENPAL!!!* *THANKYOU* |
Rachel - 03/27/98 18:34:02 My URL:http://none My Country: United States Favorite Hanson Song: Ummm ,Lucy I guess. How you found this page: Net search | Comments: Hanson Rules!!!!!!I love all thier music! |
Aleesha Dale - 03/27/98 03:04:46 My Country: Australia Favorite Hanson Song: Madaline How you found this page: searched for it | Comments: I love Hanson's music and they are all so sexy! Every time I hear Taylor's voice it makes me cry because I think of how much I REALLY want to meet him!!! |
shakita - 03/25/98 01:07:13 Country: america Favorite Hanson Song: wheres the love How you found this page: surfing the net | Comments: Nobody can beat Hanson. Zac rules!!!!!! |
AIMEE & JESSICA - 03/23/98 00:45:23 My Country: US of A Favorite Hanson Song: All of 'em How you found this page: I don't know. | Comments: Hello. Hanson is the best group in the whole wide world!!!!! |
aimee - 03/21/98 16:46:38 Country: US Favorite Hanson Song: Every single one How you found this page: Just Surfed On In! | Comments: Hanson is one of the most talented,good looking,and best group i can think of.This page is great, but try to add in concert dates.They tour in the spring and,well,it's spring. |
tonya sayler - 03/20/98 01:03:34 Country: america Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: just browsing! | Comments: i think your page is cool.i really like it!i love hanson |
Mikaela - 03/19/98 23:59:41 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: All of them | Comments: Hanson is the sexiest group ALIVE!!!! I LOVE HABNSON!!!! H A N S O N R U L E S!!!!!!! |
Madelené - 03/11/98 16:55:08 My Country: Stockholm Favorite Hanson Song: Madeline | Comments: I love Hanson! I hope than they come to Sweden... I LOVE YOU ZAC,TAY AND IKE! |
Madelené - 03/11/98 16:50:47 My Country: Stockholm Favorite Hanson Song: Madeline | Comments: I love Hanson |
Meaghan-amy - 03/10/98 14:30:50 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: all of em How you found this page: net search | Comments: This page rocks!!(just like Hanson) Hanson pleeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeee come to Canada again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
AMANDA DUTCHER - 03/09/98 20:48:37 Country: UNITED STATES Favorite Hanson Song: I WILL COME TO YOU | Comments: |
Sarah - 03/08/98 00:53:29 My Country: CA Favorite Hanson Song: "Where's the love" How you found this page: under hanson concert times | Comments: hanson is the best, Zac is hot, I love them, and Taylor is pretty sexy |
Leah W. (Hanson) - 03/04/98 03:15:40 My Country: u.s.a > Alabama Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: Hanson Candy | Comments: kewl. |
Megan (aka Looney) - 03/03/98 19:12:24 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: MMMBOP How you found this page: you | Comments: Cool page!! And I admire the fact that you're a guy and you aren't afraid to like Hanson. I am very often made fun of. I think my favorite part of Hanson is (actually, I've got 2) the fact that they are Christians (even if I haven't heard it straight f om them, I've done plenty of research) and I love their personalities. I love Zac's wild and craziness, I love Tay's humility and sweetness, and I love Ike's, well, "weird"ness!!! keep it up!!! "peace, love, and eternal MMMbop", Megan |
felicia - 03/02/98 08:24:28 My URL: My Country: malaysia Favorite Hanson Song: madeline How you found this page: you! :P | Comments: Hi, hey.. about the banner thingy... hehe, i knew it was gonna be crowded.. but you don't have to use all the graphics i gave ya! Choose `da best only.. k? teehehe, u must be kinda worried when u saw the pictureS... hehe, well thanks again nEways!!! peace fel. |
Kari Nelson - 02/27/98 17:49:15 Favorite Hanson Song: Yearbook How you found this page: Look on net serch | Comments: Dear hanson I love your band sorry that you dident win a grammy but i would have voted for you and taylor i want to lean how to play keybord and i wanted to now if you could teach me and say hi to zac ,isaac and my boyfriend devin Plays gurtar and and we have a group called weird you gave us three the idea to start a band we are still working on songs got eney ideas. and taylor will you go out with me Bye Love kari nelson |
Jessica Lacy - 02/24/98 01:41:15 My URL: My Country: California,USA Favorite Hanson Song: Madeline, Thinking of You, and I will cum 2 u How you found this page: Kim's Story Links | Comments: I loved the story and the little banner thing on the top!!:o)I will definitley come back and do the little story again!!I will also reccoment it to my pals!!I wish ya all the best of luck!!Oh yeah!!I love Jordan,Clarke,and Zachary a.k.a Tay,Ike,and Zac~~~ eace Love and Hanson 4ever~~~Jessica |
Emily - 02/21/98 19:02:54 My Country: United States Favorite Hanson Song: I Will Come to You How you found this page: Ultimate Hanson Links Page | Comments: Great Page! I likes the interactive story and the things about Ike, Tay, and Zac. Keep up the good work! |
DAWN STANCZYK - 02/10/98 19:02:09 My Email:RESCUED-IMAGES@USA.NET Country: SCOTLAND Favorite Hanson Song: ALL How you found this page: HOTBOT | Comments: ZAC....I LOVE YOU WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO SCOTLAND? |
Maria oskarsson - 02/08/98 20:03:22 My Country: Sweden Favorite Hanson Song: Man from Milwauque How you found this page: I don´t know really!!!! | Comments: I love Zac and i hope to meat him any day. I can´t speak English very well but i hope you understund it.I´m 12 years old and live in Swedens caspital Stockholm.Even night i dream about Zac.And it´s to bad at he live in USA and i in Sweden but i love he ändĺ some it seams in Swedes.I LOVE HANSON!!! BUT MOST ZAC!!!!! |
chelsea - 01/20/98 21:40:26 My Email:ZACHER1001@AOL.COM Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: all but manly i will come to you How you found this page: link | Comments: i love hanson! I'm obssesed!! by the way if any one has not seen it you have got to see "TITANIC"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the best movie in the world!! Leonardo DiCaprio is SOOOOO hot!!!!! |
Rachel - 01/13/98 04:22:28 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: all of them How you found this page: surfed on | Comments: I think the site is very original in a good way. I like the idea of a story that you can make up about hanson. |
Rachel Misltien - 01/04/98 00:33:26 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: All of them!!!!!!!! How you found this page: link | Comments: I love Hanson. I think that they are all very sexy. I hate the Spice Girls! I'm obsessed with Hanson. I have 250 pictures in my room and 8 srapbooks. That Star girl sucks! She's so rude! Talk about PMS! P.S. I love the site!!! |
Jane - 01/04/98 00:28:25 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: All of them How you found this page: link | Comments: I think that it's very possible that Diana had her baby. But, where does the newsletter get its info? By the way, you spelled some words wrong in that note. You shouldn't have been so rude to that girl, Rachel Milstein. She was just expressing her thoug ts. Love your page! |
star - 01/03/98 01:29:36 My Country: canada Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: friend | Comments: WHAT THE HELL THIS SIGHT BITES. GIVE BOB THIS MESSAGE " GO FINGER BANG YOURSELF |
Rachel Milstein - 01/02/98 17:10:28 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: i don't have one How you found this page: through geocities | Comments: I think this page is okay but it's not the best that i have see. |
lisa - 12/21/97 06:05:05 Country: australia Favorite Hanson Song: madeline How you found this page: creative | Comments: i am a hanson fan, but i'm not obbsesed. people think it's good to be like that but it's not healthy to love someone that much |
Caity - 12/20/97 15:52:03 My Email:Caity1202 Country: U.S.A Favorite Hanson Song: All of them How you found this page: I clicked on it | Comments: VERY WELL DONE, VERY ENTERTAINING, AND VERY HELPFUL! |
Eve Butler - 12/18/97 00:49:28 My Country: New Zealand Favorite Hanson Song: All of them!! How you found this page: Search engine | Comments: |
Mary McGeehan - 12/17/97 22:05:03 My Country: USA! of course Favorite Hanson Song: I Will Come To U, and Merry Christmas Baby! How you found this page: my Uncle BOB! hehehe | Comments: An Awesome page! I'm such a ditz that I thought you had a chance to meet Hanson if got the right story! LOL! Anyways I'm a huge hanson fan and I totally, really, want to meet them. I've talked to Tay on the phone, but it's not the same! If anyo e has info. on where to get tickets E~mail me! or if you want to chat about Hanson, I'd love to! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas! Mary I'll be with U in your dreams! hehehehe |
Sarah Harris - 12/16/97 00:25:12 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: I Will Come To You | Comments: Your site rocks ,I'll add a link to your site on my page .Right after I do this |
tammy - 12/11/97 00:30:02 My Country: usa Favorite Hanson Song: theres so many hmmm what christmas means 2 me How you found this page: i wuz looking up hanson info. | Comments: i just would like 2 say that i have alot in common with all of them my #1 dream has been 2 meet them ever since i saw mmm bop on mtv i talked with them on the internet they seemed really nice. i am not all obsessed like alot of girls i am more interested in being their friend |
Felicia - 11/23/97 12:48:18 My URL: My Country: Malaysia Favorite Hanson Song: Cried How you found this page: I was lost....... hehe... | Comments: Hello!! Well, you surely did an awesome job on this site! Keep the good work up! My goodness, I have never seen such a lovely site like yours, and such a clever idea of making an interactive Hanson story site!! You should be proud! Hehe, well, thazzal!! p/s:Please visit my site... ;-p thanx,Fel. |
Nikki - 11/19/97 22:24:03 My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: I Will Come To You How you found this page: Mail | Comments: Great Page! |
Kat. M - 11/15/97 23:40:27 My Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: MMMBop How you found this page: someone told me | Comments: Cool page. I tried the story seven times. That's all. Bye. |
Katie hines - 10/19/97 21:09:02 My Country: canada Favorite Hanson Song: I will come to you How you found this page: surfing | Comments: ilove your page. |
Megan - 10/15/97 23:17:41 Country: America Favorite Hanson Song: All of them! | Comments: Great Story! |
Nicki - 10/14/97 08:47:23 My URL:/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/6171 My Country: Australia Favorite Hanson Song: Man from Milwaukee How you found this page: Hanson's Stories and Links page | Comments:![]() |
Nicki - 10/14/97 08:40:10 My URL: My Country: Australia Favorite Hanson Song: Man from Milwaukee How you found this page: Hanson's Stories and Links page | Comments:![]() |
Gene - 10/10/97 20:17:34 My Country: England Favorite Hanson Song: Madeline How you found this page: Web Crawler | Comments: Cool Idea, but some of your links don't work. Otherwise, what a cool idea! |
Carly - 10/06/97 23:04:22 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Hanson Song: Weird How you found this page: Email | Comments: Carly |
Toby - 10/05/97 01:26:49 Country: Canada Favorite Hanson Song: mmmbop How you found this page: web ring | Comments: this is great. keep it coming! |