© 2001 Chip Productions

Game Show News

Salute to the "Dark Period"

Click here for The Game Show Site Collection
UPDATED LIST! I am looking for a home for my collection! Several 1,000episodes!
I am in the process of transfering everything from VHS to DVD! If you would like my tapes, let's set up a trade!! Contact me @ thegameshowsite@aol.com

E-mail me and let's set up a trade!
Do you love game shows AND have
access to Good Life TV? Contact me!

Matt Ottinger's Gold Mine!

Announcers Row

David Letterman's Top Ten
"Common Responses to the Question
'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'"

10. "I do"

9. "You bet your sweet ass I do"

8. "Sweet screamin' monkeys, that's a stupid question"

7. "No thanks, I think I'll just keep working here at Radio Shack"

6. "What part of Regis Philbin would I have to touch?"

5. "Not me. I'm Bill Gates and that would be a colossal step backwards"

4. "Who do I have to kill?"

3. "Only if I can get it all in nickels"

2. "Since I'm the Dalai Lama, I am not interested in worldly riches...Ah, screw it, where's the cash?"

1. "How many crappy magazines do I have to subscribe to?"

Tom Kennedy & Jack Narz

Game Show Alumni Class Photo
Can You Find Tom & Jack?

Tom Kennedy's Scrapbook
Captain Jack to the rescue!
Jack Narz Photo Album
Photos courtesy of David Narz

You Don't Say

Name That Tune

Password Plus

Split Second

TTTT (90's version) Page

Jay Stewart

Official LMAD Site

Coming Soon! "IGAS" Page

NBC's 1970 Game Show Line-Up

Contestant/Ticket Plugs

My TV Guide Collection

Famous Game Show Phrase:
"I hear you at home!"

Those ABC Daytime TV Boys!
Salute to "Child's Play"

"Now You See It" Page

Peter Marshall's Official Website

Allen Ludden showed great love for the game show genre. Here's Allen on the first day of "Password Plus." An excited Ludden says, "Password's back, Password's back."

Those Were The Days!

According to The Game Show Almanac 50 Years of Facts & Fun, John P. Holms and Ernest Wood, the 1975 television season had a record 26 games on its schedule:

The Big Showdown
Celebrity Sweepstakes
Diamond Head Game
High Rollers
The Hollywood Squares
The Joker's Wild
Let's Make A Deal
Liar's Club
Match Game '75
Money Maze
Name That Tune
Now You See It
Password All-Stars
The Price Is Right
Split Second
The $10,000 Pyramid
To Tell The Truth
Treasure Hunt
What's My Line?
Winning Streak

It's a lie, lie
You're telling a lie,
I'll never know why you don't know how
To Tell the Truth....truth...truth...truth
You don't know how To Tell the Truth!

I'm a fool, fool
I've been such a fool
I'm blowin' my cool with you right now
To Tell the Truth....truth....truth....truth
You don't know how To Tell the Truth

You say you went home early last night
The book you read's outta sight
And that's why you took your phone off the hook
And never did get my call

It's a lie, lie
I should say goodbye
But I'm gonna try to teach you how
To Tell the Truth...truth...truth...truth,

E-mail me and let's set up a trade!

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DISCLAIMER: This web site was created and produced as a tribute to the game show genre. Links are provided for information purposes to all visitors of this site. No challenge to copyright material is implied or suggested.

Some logos courtesy of Michael Klauss

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