Hi everyone!! Welcome to my page! Please, let me know what you think. :)

Karen Amora - 07/20/99 22:11:01
My Email:KarSep08@aol.com

thank you for providing such an interesting website. i really enjoyed reading all the interesting stories you and other people wrote. you seem really dedicated to the life of chris and rita lorenzo.

10/23/98 10:23:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Anthony Leebrick - 09/29/98 02:17:03
My Email:e0207@erols.com

Hi, i read you poems. they are very powerful and bring back memories and a few tears. Tony i also liked sammies one on her child

Lisa - 09/20/98 12:07:15
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/intrinsic/mitzi.htm
My Email:taurus@wnet.net

I like your page! I especially like the font and the way they are colored. Very artistic!

Lisa - 09/11/98 19:41:06
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/intrinsic/mitzi.htm
My Email:taurus@snet.net

I love your page. I love Classic Silk Stalkings. I have watched every episode.

SammyLee.Austen - 08/29/98 23:05:20
My Email:SammyLee.Austen@mailciy.com

I adore your pages..bicourse the are one of the best,and thry are abut Silke witch means ther is no doubt you have a place in haven all ready..if nott you will alvays have a place in my hart like ..Mitzi K..Rob E..Mitzi Mc..and Charle B ther are more pipo from silk in my Hart sow i can garanti you wont feal lonly and you have the best of the best copany. If you ever nead a hand SAMMYLEE is her for every silk fan... Bee Well

Lisa - 07/25/98 13:08:11
My Email:angelgirl31@webtv.net

hi! It's great to find so much about my favorite tv show.Chris and Rita are the best tv couple ever. I only watch the classics.I guess iit is hard for me to see the new shows because I can't imagine replacing the originals. They had that special magic.Any ay yhis is a nice page and I'll visit it often.Keep up your good work!

Kris Naman - 05/18/98 16:56:35
My Email:fozzie321@webtv.com

Klancy- I love your page!!!! Keep up the good work!! Kris

Yolie - 04/29/98 05:26:27
My Email:Yoliesthingy@hotmail.com

Klancy, Excellent site!! I enjoy the poetry, very interesting and original!!! Keep up the good work! :)

Peggy - 03/18/98 21:09:08
My Email:mtm91@yahoo.com

Hi...great site...i love Silk

Jan Bordeau - 03/14/98 19:38:42
My Email:bordeau@megalink.net

I'm new to the net and really love finding all these Silk Stalkings sites. This one is great! Thanks!

tuna.dc - 03/13/98 19:10:12
My Email:tuna.dc@mailexcite.com

Great stuff, love the pics and your stories. Keep up the good stuff!!!!!! Classic Silk Rocks

Jennifer Harrell - 03/11/98 02:28:56
My Email:rayh59@juno.com

Hi Klancy!!! I never did know that you and Sammy were sisters or am I mistaken. Close friends sometimes call each other sister, because they have been friends for a long time. Anyway, you page is great. I guess you'll have more pics sometime in the future ! Mitzi and I look just alike, we could pass from being twins. Even my mom sometimes calls me Mitzi, because I have her looks!! C-ya!!! Jenny :)

OneL - 02/19/98 05:15:15

That one pic of Rob is SO SO SO Yummy !!!

HEF - 01/06/98 15:59:35
My Email:mrc715@hotmail.com

The pics on here are GRAPE ....I mean GREAT. I like that they are not the ones usually shown. I love the ones of Cap and they Guest Stars !!

Erla (Bree) - 01/05/98 05:56:39
My Email:MKapture@hotmail.com

Excellent page, I love the poetry. :-)

CDR - 01/05/98 02:48:12
My Email:cdr3@hotmail.com

Klancy, Excellent job, looking forward to what comes next!

Paula - 01/05/98 00:47:13
My Email:PaulaDec63@aol.com

Okay, now, this is my third try at signing your guestbook because Geocities wouldn't take either of my other attempts! Great job on this page - awesome pictures, beautiful poems, and a very entertaining ICQ chat! And I am flattered that I got a mention! LOL! Keep up the good work! Paula

Paula - 01/05/98 00:43:23
My Email:PaulaDec63@aol.com

Okay, now, this is my third try at signing your guestbook because Geocities wouldn't take either of my other attempts! Great job on this page - awesome pictures, beautiful poems, and a very entertaining ICQ chat! And I am flattered that I got a mention! LOL! Keep up the good work! Paula

Christopher Lanza - 01/04/98 23:21:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/chrisl1974/silkpage/index2.html
My Email:chrisl1974@aol.com

Klancy, nice little page! It looks really nice and I think you did a good job with it! Good luck with it!!!! See ya.

Michele - 01/04/98 21:51:29
My Email:mrc715@aol.com


Howie - 10/31/97 19:27:35
My URL:/Hollywood/Boulevard/5383
My Email:gravel_guy@hotmail.com

Hi you don't know me but my hp is right above yours, so come and check it out some time! Howie

AntiSKIRT - 10/11/97 03:06:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6296/silk.html
My Email:kovala@santanet.com

Congrats!!! I'm proud to be the 2nd person to sign your guestbook, when in actuality, I am the 3 signer. :-)

Sammy - 10/10/97 23:57:00
My Email:mitzi.kapture@the18thhole.com

Sis, it's me again. Well, I think I gotta love this guestbook, what else can I say? See, you told nobody abt this page and you already have two entries in your guestbook!!! Who else can say that? LOL!

- 10/10/97 16:45:44


Sammy - 10/10/97 12:39:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/5351/
My Email:mitzi.kapture@the18thhole.com

Am I really the first one to sign the guestbook, sis? Yay, way to go!!! So, what do I want to see here? Let me think.... Rob, Mitzi, Silk, Rob, Mitzi, Silk... Did I say I want to see Rob, Mitzi and Silk here? LOL! See ya later on, sis!

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