
Is auto-cunnilingus possible? This topic appears from time to time on the newsgroups. Here was one testimony given as evidence:

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  Subject:      Re: Auto-cunnilingus?
  From: (Quentin)
  Date:         1996/09/10
  Message-Id:   <515ga2$>

	I tell you it can be done, having seen it with my own eyes.
 Debbie was flexible to start with, and she had to have some wine first
 and be in the right mood, but... (if you all will pardon the frankness
 of my language)

	The sensation of having her tongue around the base of my shaft
 and my balls WHILE I was thrusting into her was nothing short of

	I'm thankful that she didn't do it so often it became mundane,
 and I'm thankful to be out of that relationship; but it felt amazing....

 --->>>Quentin<<<---- (The Ravenous Bandwidth Junkie)

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By the way, Quentin's gnn email address is long defunct.

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