Our correspondent in Bangkok

My "oy-stirred" friend (his awful pun, not mine) in Bangkok was kind to answer a number of questions for me. His first-hand report:

Noi (not her real name) was working in a Patpong 'upstairs' bar doing various bits of the 'show' including the 'pussy smokes cigarette' bit. During the lead-in dance, I noticed that she was quite flexible in forward bending. She must have noticed me noticing her, and when light up time came I was the punter chosen to produce a lighter (either that or I was the only one smoking). This led to my buying the usual 'lady drink' and later to a night's festivities.

During the activities, I remarked on her on-stage suppleness which promptly produced a series of demonstrations plus loads of questions on how to use it in the stage act (I was suddenly an expert on all gymnastics to her). This led to all sorts of positions being used in some sort of game. During all this, when she lifted a leg up around the ear, I showed her how to grasp the foot over the top of her head and simultaneously use the other elbow to lever the knee behind the shoulder and pull the foot behind her head. She just slipped into it almost instantly (may have already been proficient and was just teasing me with the learning bit). Within minutes she had both legs wrapped behind her head and was looking most eatable. I persuaded her to try compressing the pose more, and she was away with it. She was quite happy to have sex in the position which was, of course, quite delectable. Later she worked out a routine where, starting from a sitting position, she would put one leg up while twisting the torso so that the foot could be pulled down from behind the neck to have the toes under her armpit. This would be held while we engaged in various foreplay, until she judged the moment right when she would relax the foot back to the neck, whip the other leg up into the oyster position, fall back and invite me in.

I continued to see her semi regularly for about two years during which time she became more and more comfortable with the pose. She would often slip into it while I was in the bathroom or kitchen and surprise me by just being in it when I returned. She would often stay in it for some time whilst we alternated giving head to each other, or I could move her around while she held it, or pull her upright against the bedhead and lift her by the feet while she stayed in it. With a bit of care she could get into it keeping the torso upright with the hands round the thighs and behind her back keeping the balance. She could also just put one leg up and then hop around the room on the other foot. That didn't do much for direct sex but it sure was a turn on with the limbs all twisted about.

Staying in the Oyster for an hour came about from her own ideas. She'd been in it for about 15 mins while we played about, and made a remark that I liked it so much that I'd prefer her to stay that way. I said that it was fine with me but a little impractical for regular living. Her response was that she could do lots of things while 'knotted' and a sort of competition developed. She wanted a drink and a sandwich which I got and she consumed. She wanted a cuddle and some head, again done. She asked for her handbag, got out a comb and did her hair (awkward with the feet there) and did her lipstick. Then she wanted to try a 69 which I wasn't about to refuse (it's difficult with her all curled up, but possible). Then we made love by which time some 35 mins had elapsed. I expected her to release it after that but she asked to be pulled upright and for the tv to be switched on. She said that having done more than half an hour she might as well go for a full hour, which she did. Although I never saw a repeat performance that long, she could always stay in it for a love session and beyond, and once stated that she often practised it at home for periods of an hour or more just for fun. She had a couple of friends at the bar who also got into gymnastics, and on one occassion we had a group session when three ladies were romping into odd positions with arms and legs in a right old tangle.

An earlier experience:

My first 'awakening' to flexibility was years ago when I dated a girl from the local yoga class who turned out to be a practising contortionist (amatuer, she never gave up the day job). This lass a good backbender (head facing out between feet, but butt not quite down to head). She would use this for an exciting 69 but, as with the oyster, it was the knowledge of turning me on that was her pleasure, not a direct stimulation (the position requires shallow breathing and cannot be held long anyway). Since then, I've always 'sought out' flexigirls and have been generally lucky at it.

In a follow-up, I asked whether he had found others with this talent:

Yes. I've found several, but none that could hold it so easily as Noi. Usually the use of the position comes about as an extention of 'knees over man's shoulders', but most girls that can do it at all seem to only be able to hold it for a matter of seconds. The backbender from the yoga class really only used forward bends as a way of limbering up or relieving stress after tight backbends. She was, however, the one who got me fascinated with the erotic side of bendable ladies. Whilst Noi was not particularly good at backbending, her forward bending developed strongly and she was always did it with so much fun and laughter. She could either be 'all over the place' in a variety of poses or quietly hold something like an oyster for a serious session time.

In another conversation, I asked about the benefits of a flexible friend:

What do you do with a flexible friend?? You encourage the friend to flex, frequently, and particularly in bed. Actually, you don't 'do' anything with her, the ability is all hers; all you can do is to let her entertain (and excite) you. The human knot may or may not work well. The position does tend to give an awkward entry angle but the excitement is well worth it. Some girls (with very loose hips) can do it without rotating the pelvis much but then the 'curl' of the torso is missing. It always produces a tight and shortened vagina, so it's not so much that penetration is deep, but that you only go in lightly to avoid hurting the partner. The pressure around the penis head end is so intense that the climax is great anyway.

I asked about using flexibility for deeper penetration, say with the legs going straight back:

Whilst some trained athletes/dancers will probably be able to use the 'V' position with straight legs, it does involve considerable looseness of the hamstrings. So for most casual users the thing can only be held with the knees well behind the shoulders and the (bent) legs crossed behind the neck. Whilst this gives a locked, stable position as long as the person can bear the strain, it does imply some curl of the torso and a tilt of the pelvis. Even the old 'legs over partner's shoulder' produces some tightening and shortening of the vagina; the oyster really exaggerates it. So you really do seem to be stuck with a depressed entry position and anything beyond shallow penetration strains the root of the penis and can hurt the lass by bottoming out against the cervix. However, the compensation is that the head of the penis (most sensitive) is really squeezed all round by a tightened pussy. My impression is that it has to be shallow for both partners and that if the girl moves much then male climax is very fast. The only way to prolong for a while is for both to stay very still after entry (not hard for the lady in this position since she's locked in her own limbs anyway).

I think that most acrobatic positions are probably not particularly good for deep penetration (the old lady sitting on top facing man's feet is probably best for this). One of Noi's friends was a skinny little girl with specially loose hip and shoulder joints. She could 'put on a show' of really weird positions but I never had sex with her. Most of her stuff was extreme movements of the limbs but did not look as if it was consistent with deep penetration. Maybe some of the backbends may achieve this but again, since the body is inevitably in an extreme position, I doubt it. In any case, backbenders often have to rely on shallow breathing when bent, so that the positions, while erotic, are difficult to hold for long enough.

I also asked whether he thought the pleasure to be mutual:

My experience has been that it doesn't do that much for the direct stimulation of the lass. They do it more for the pleasure of giving the man pleasure and excitement, plus the knowledge that it's very special. Most women with such ability are into a sort of meditation about stretching and bending anyway, the male's pleasure is almost incidental (but real). Again, most women with the ability do not find the position uncomfortable in the short term, and some can hold for longer periods; those women that can't do it seem to find it weird, those that can treat it as a quite normal gift.

On finding such ladies in Thailand:

S.E. Asian lasses tend to be generally more flexible than their western sisters and Thailand fits this pattern. Also, the nation does not have big hangups about sex in particular, so finding them is not a 'national' problem. There is however a 'caste' sytem that regards most (virtually all) westerners as cash cows, which implies that such westerners don't very often get to have casual sex with other than 'ladies of the night' (but many Thai males keep a 'minor wife' who does very well out of the deal). Thus most of us expats date such lasses with various arrangements (outside their normal bar) being made. Particular places to meet such are in the infamous Patpong of Bangkok (getting a bit seedy lately), Nana plaza of BKK (currently the brand leader - rivals the Reperbahn in Hamburg) or Soi Cowboy of BKK (the expats hangout - generally a bit cheaper and less aggressive). Outside of BKK, anywhere in Pattaya, Phuket or Koh Samui is OK. (Hat Yai in the south caters mainly to repressed Malaysians and so is less 'experimental'). Also, almost any BKK massage parlour will have girls that are gymnastic. There are no special requests or gestures to be made other than (as ever in this business) making your needs explicit and known (there can be a problem here in that the standard of English for such girls is poor). It isn't particularly more expensive (but remember, the ladies are trying to squeeze as much bread as they can, so it's important to bargain beforehand as in everything else here). Those lasses that can do the oyster are more than willing to use it in sex.

I don't mean to imply that every 2nd gal you meet will promptly do an oyster for you, but merely that the lasses out here do seem to be generally more flexible without any special training. They generally don't want to put much work into it (both the climate and culture do not encourage persistant effort), so they don't become really proficient unless you 'nag' them to practise etc. In the west, those girls that are flexible probably train harder but then get into an almost religious fervour about it and regard using it for sex as somehow demeaning to the 'art'. There will exceptions on both sides of course. The thought occurs to me that going to one of the larger massage parlours and presenting a written 'spec' to the mamasan may produce an interesting result; these places have literally hundreds of girls on their books (other than the ones on display behind the glass at any one time).

Back to the Temple.