Brandy Alexandre

Some time back, in response to a question on VO in adult movies in ASM, former porn-star Brandy Alexandre posted:
I've done it, but not intentionally. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Private Places.
Asked how this could happen unintentionally, she wrote:
I sunk into the couch and wound up with my knees by me ears. :) Who knows how you get in these positions. I'm just flexible that way. I know there have been other times, I'm just having a hard time remembering if it was on or off camera.
A follow-up poster then asked:
Is the penatration painful in that position? I'm dieing to get my girlfriend to do it.
Brandy replied:
She can only do it if she's flexible, don't go trying to get her to do fantasy things that she physically isn't capable of. The only trouble with it is the angle. It's an awkward position that looks good but isn't anything spectacular in real life.
Recently, I received a note from Brandy herself in my Guestbook:
I was just cruising my hit tracker and found out I get a bunch of hits through this site. I've been visiting my referrers and was surprised to find my comments from way WAY back here. :) Kind of funny, but I don't remember saying it. I'm not saying I didn't, just one of those things. I'm still very flexible and can do all the positions listed. ;)

Yes, Brandy, you did write those things WAY back then! Thanks for leaving me a note and write again some time!

Brandy has a Home Page, but nothing bendy on it.

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Last update: 5-Jul-1999