30's chic

Norma Shearer Remembered


last updated: August 20, 2006

To Shearer Sophistication

Hear Norma's fabulous voice!
Dialogue from her best roles
Current feature: "Her Cardboard Lover"


Out of The Spotlight
Retiring in Style


click here

What do the critics think of Norma? Then and Now!
Check out Norma's filmography

"Her Cardboard Lover"



Spend some time with Norma on TCM!

Click below for a list of Norma's films currently featured on Turner Classic Movies over the next few months!

Click Here to search their monthly line up to find out exact times.

This site is dedicated to the talent and memory of Miss Norma Shearer and all things Sheareresque. It is in no way associated with her estate, or any organization by which she was employed or connected. It is simply a small corner of the web created by an admirer to share information about her life, work, style and to meet others with similar interests in vintage films and film stars.

soignee perfection

All photos and information are presented in good faith for your enjoyment and edification and are not intended to be used for any purpose other than those stated above. Please enjoy this site, and the legacy Miss Shearer has left us, and do e-mail me with any comments or suggestions as I love to hear from other Shearer admirers.

circa late 20's, the film Pretty Ladies


For help in making "Shearer Sophistication" possible I thank

Silent Ladies Webpage for their use of photos of Norma from her silent films.

Ryan and the Fabulous Deanna Durbin Page for his on going help, suggestions, and funny remarks.

Ed Francis for contributing an abundance of photos, articles and interesting ephemera. Without his kindness the best that this site shares would not be possible. Thank you Ed!

sophisticated style

This site has been promoting a renewed appreciation of Miss Shearer since November 1997

Email me with all your comments and Shearerific news here:


D'Arcy I am so proud of you!