The icons below will take you to my book, music, and movie recommendations. Who am I to make these suggestions? No one, really. However, if you find that you already like something I've suggested, you might like other things on my lists that you've not yet encountered.
Books I have a degree in literature, but my views on contemporary fiction are iconoclastic compared to what current literary scholars venerate. For instance, I think John Irving, Stephen King, Kurt Vonnegut, Anne Rice, and J.R.R. Tolkien will be considered the classics 100 years from now, and not all that cynical, post-modern bullshit that most scholars hoist on pedestals right now. You'll probably see that theme in my book recommendations. |
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Movies I love movies unabashedly. If I have any favoritism, it's for well-designed plots, great language, great visuals, sci-fi, animation, and multi-level stories. Since there are so many movies to love, I've written about just those that may have gotten lost in the fray, ones you may have missed that are worth searching out. |
Music Music is such a personal choice, so your liking anything I offer is contingent upon liking a few other things in my list. And, remember, places like Amazon and CDNOW let you listen to samples over the web, which I recommend. Since the mass media is leaving behind rock and roll as the dominant force in popular music, finding good rock is becoming harder. This list may help. |
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