All About Me

Hello, my name's Jen and welcome to the wonderful world of me. I'm 16 years old and go to Strathcona Composite High School in Edmonton, Alberta. I love all sports; especially soccer and running. I have my own site on Buffy the Vampire Slayer called The Kewlest Buffy Site! I don't have enough time to update it anymore (ahh... the life of a highschooler) but please go and check it out anyway! I also help out with the local Beanie Baby show and made a web page for it. It's called Mo's Beanie Baby Site! Anyway, if you're still reading this see if I'm online O.K. people... I finally added updated pics! I really hate pictures so here...

Grad '99

New Orleans 2000

Left: My last name is spelled right! For once!
Middle: Ever seen the Kid Rock ~ Only God Knows Why music video?
Right: Me in the Louisiana swamps with a baby alligator named Elvis.


I'm into Offspring...