
-"I've dyed my hair black, blond, red and purple. Depends on my mood." -Ryan

-"I already knew Ryan Phillippe from my soap days -- he used to be on 'One Life to Live'. He's such an amazing actor that there were times we'd be filming and I'd forget my lines because I'd be so distracted by what he was saying."
-- Sarah Michelle Gellar, 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' costar (YM January, 1998)

-"It's hard to maintain the body. I run and go to the gym to relieve stress mainly. I don't enjoy working out at all. I think it's horrible. But you definitely carry yourself differently when you get in shape." -Ryan.

-"I had a great time with all the '54' actors... especially with Ryan. He is so humble and sweet. He was really shy at first. He is a gentleman, very polite. And when Salma was goofing around with Mike, Ryan got extremely nervous... he doesn't like nasty jokes."
-- Heather Matarazzo, '54' costar (CNN, August 1998)

-"I think it's funny that girls might have crushes on me, i'm kind of uncomfertable with myself. It's really unpleasent to look in the mirror." -Ryan

-"I think Ryan Phillippe is the real deal. He's the only next-generation guy I've met where I'm like, 'Yup, that guy is not a pretender.'"
-- Joshua Jackson, 'Cruel Intentions' costar (Seventeen, September 1998)

-"I got really worked up having to say those things to her and watch her cry. So when she hit me, i left and i threw up in the stairwell.
-Ryan on a scene in Cruel Intentions.

-"It just so happens that these two guys [Breckin Meyer and Ryan Phillippe] & I met and then we all started working a bunch. We're all so dedicated we inspire each other... Breckin and I kept running into each other at auditions. Then he met Ryan at an audition for 'Man of the House' and brought him to my house asking if we could keep him."
-- Seth Green, star of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (Twist, April 1999)

-"In my new film, Homegrown, I was naked for an outdoor scene. It was 30 degrees, rain machines were running, and I was thrown into a mud pit. I felt so sick during filming that I thought I would die. The worst part was between takes, when I had to be carried - naked - to my trailer so I could rest." -Ryan

-"My sisters are my favorite people on earth." -Ryan

-"It's an interesting movie," ..."I'm a nice kid who ends up a corrupted model." -Ryan (on 54)

"They're surprised when I'm not nasty." -Ryan (on peoples' reactions to him because of his playing mean characters)

-"It came from a place of insecurity simply because I don't find myself interesting at all,"..."and I had a lot of problems with, well, me." -Ryan (on why he got into acting)

"You tell your parents everything's great because if it's [bad], they'll tell you to come home,"..."It was always these conversations: 'Oh, I love it out here!' Then you hang up the phone and cry because you're miserable." -Ryan (on when his career was stalled)

-"I don't know. It's nice that people want to compliment me in some superficial way,"..."I guess it's better than being called ugly." -Ryan