Did You Know
Cruel Intentions

...Sebastion straightens a framed photo of Bill and Hillary Clinton with Sebastion and Kathryn in it, while talking to Kathryn?

...When Sebastion is showing Annette around the grounds and Annette is walking in front of him, he looks at her butt?

...When Kathryn and Cecile kiss, when they part there is a string of saliva on their lips?

...When Sebastion kisses Annette when she is reading outside his hand slips and he touches her breast?

...Sebastion tells Kathryn that Annette was laying on the bed ready to do it when she had been sitting up on the bed?

...The title they gave Sebastions journal when they were handing them out was Cruel Intentions?

...At the end Annette is driving in Sebastions car, wearing his sunglasses with his journal sitting next to her is exactly like the opening scene with Sebastion?