'Den-Friendly sites!

The Internet Movie Database
Probably the best site for movie information on the web! Data on actors, actresses, directors, soundtracks. . .everything you want to know about your favorite flicks!!
Home of The Kings of the Cult Movie, this site has excellent links and merchandise information on all of the classic films produced by Troma, including "The Toxic Avenger" and "Bloodsucking Freaks". A can't-miss site for true cult movie fans!
Okay, anyone been to this site who hasn't seen this movie? Still the consummate midnight movie, Rocky Horror hasn't lost it's flavor even after almost 25 years in theaters. Check out the site for awesome sounds and graphics.
Ever seen "South Park"? It's a cult cartoon fan's dream come true!! Download RealPlayer and watch the 5-Minute epic that started it all, "The Spirit of Christmas". The funniest animated series in a decade!!
Welcome to the Monty Python world wide web site! Abuse your friends, change your birth sign, and read up on the latest happenings of these Kings of British Comedy!
Your host's favorite band. . .they should be yours too! This site is great for it's links to other Damned-related information.
Those little cyber-pets that are all over the place finally have some competition in the Tamagothi, your little Gothic cyber-pet! If you hate the "gloom cookies" sporting Marilyn Manson T-shirts with vinyl pants and Doc Martens, you'll love the Tamagothi!