The Guardians of Grayskull:

Mailing List Member Page

       This page is meant to organize the nicknames for the Guardians of Grayskull Mailing List.
Before you can get a nickname, though, you have to join the mailing list! To join, send a message to with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject and body of the message. For future reference, to get off the list, send a mail to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject and body of the message. The list's address is - ONLY use this address for sending messages to the list!!!
Moving on... here are the current users of nicknames. Click on the artifact belong to the group you'd like to see. (ie, if you want to see whose identity Peekablue's is, click She-Ra's sword, since Peekable is part of the She-Ra series)
The Eternian ArmyThe Great Rebellion
The Great Rebellionthe Eternian Army
The Mirror of Allies
The Evil Horde
The Vile Snake MenThe Evil Horde
The Vile Snake MenSkeletor's Evil Allies
 Next, to recieve a nickname, fill out the following form. Do NOT choose a name in use - you will NOT get that name! Also, please do NOT press enter after filling out each box, it will send an individual message!
Thank you!

What Category does your name fit into?

Full Name: 
Birthdate (M/D/Y): 
State/Providence, Country: 
Homepage URL: 
  Note: getting a name does NOT subscribe you to the list! To do that, you must follow the directions found at the top of the page!!!
Also note that Adam Osgood/LightHope has the power to negate ANYONE from gaining a name.

This Guardians of Grayskull site is owned by ListMaster...LightHope!

Want to join the Guardians? 
"By the Power and Honor of Grayskull...We Are the Guardians!"
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(c) 1998 Adam Osgood