Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, old folk of all ages! What you are about to see are some of the strangest sites on the web-- The grotesque, the disturbing, and the "Why the hell did they make a site of that?!" sites. Beware, what follows may... horrify you!
For your convenience, the oddities have been split into sections:
Gallery of Galleries
Assorted Kooks and Paranoias
Disturbing Images
Moments of Zen
Miscellaneous Doodads
What's new? (Updated 12/8/02)
We need your help!
As you've probably surmised, this site is still in its infancy. If you know of any bizarre, disturbing, or stupid websites or pictures, by all means, Send them to me! No nudity, though, please; Geocities could yank the site, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
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since 10/14/00
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The opinions expressed on the sites linked to here in no way necessarily reflect my own (as should be glaringly obvious), and I am not responsible for their content. The opinions on this site are simply that--opinions. If you have a site on this page, and feel it's being misrepresented, mail me with a rebuttal, and I'll post it next to the site.
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