... And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you

This is by far my most favorite movie of al time! The writing in this movie is wonderful. You do not even need to watch this movie, just listen to it and have a great time! I have watched and listened to this movie so many times that I have lost count ... and I know I am going to watch it many many many more times! WATCH THIS MOVIE!

Spaceballs is one of the funniest movies of all time! This is the perfect space movie parody. "I see your Schwartz is as big as mine." And whata great name ... Spaceballs!! This is another movie that I could watch over and over without getting tired of it. Mel Brooks is a comedy genius, plain and simple.

Most baseball movies don't really accurately portray baseball (my favorite sport) but Bull Durham hits the nail on the head. This is the only sports movie that could make it to my favorites page, and it is well deserving.

Although I didn't see it 19564295 times like my wife, I really liked this movie. Kate was pretty hot in it, and seeing the boat sink was totally awesome. I am glad we own it so I can watch it over and over

Well ... that is it for my movies page! Head on back to my Main Page.

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