Introducing ... (drumroll please) ....

Eric W. Dampf

Thank you, thank you... I love you all! Actually, I am very surprised you took time out of your day to learn a little about me. Well, I will try not to bore you too much. Here goes!

As you know, my name is Eric. Some of you may know me as Rico ... my chatting name =) I grew up in Ohioville, Pennsylvania, a very very small town about 45 minutes north of Pittsburgh. It was a nice place to grow up, especially if you had a best friend like mine, my doggy KC.

I graduated from Western Beaver High School (home of the Golden Beavers) in 1993. It is a small school, but overall it wasn't too bad. I played the drums in the band, and still try to play every once and a while, but I have not had time as of late.

In December 1997 I graduated from Penn State with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. Some say that is all I know, B.S. =) I started off at the Beaver Campus of Penn State. I met a lot of cool peopple there and did many interesting things. Then I moved up to the main campus in State College. It was very nice up there, especially in the fall when all the leaves changed colors and the cool breezes brought wonderful aromas from the cow pastures!

I currently live in south-central Pennsylvania, a town called Waynesboro, where I just bought a house. I am a Software Engineer at Zeltex, Inc.

Oh, have I mentioned that I actually found somone crazy enough to marry me??? Michelle is the most wonderfullest (is that a word) women in the world! If I really want to do justice to the feelings I have for her, this page would continue forever. Yo amo a mi mamita, y mi mamita me ama a mi!

How about I share my passion with you?

As you may have guessed, I LOVE

ain't he talented?

I have loved Snoopy for a long time. You should see my collection! Shirts, hats, dolls, books, stickers, Christmas ornaments, Pez dispensers, flags, pencils, figurines, cards, wind chimes, etc. etc. etc.....
If you have anything with Snoopy on it feel free to send it to me =)

A random quote, just for you!

Well ... that is everything you need to know about me! Head on back to my Main Page.