My collection of great philisophical sayings

My Collection of Great Philisophical Sayings

Here is a list of great philisophical sayings, and interesting questions that I have either heard, read, or invented myself. Some of them are not very philisophical, in fact some of them are just the ramblings of a diseased imagination, spawned of a broken mind. But they are all, unquestioningly cool.

That's all that I can remember for now but there will always be more on the way.

Don't Dismiss Raving Derelects

Why should we ignore the man standing on the corner down town claiming that he is the son of God? The first guy who went around claiming that he was the son of God got a religion named after him. It seems that not every roman wanted to nail him to a big stick, or else we wouldn't even know what the word "Christianity" meant. And did he not say that he would come back to this world? Makes the guy on the corner look a little more credible doesn't it?
