

My Top Ten Favorite Movies

The Greatest Movie Character of All Time.


He is the greatest, there are none higher.

Other movies that didn't make the list but are still damn smooth, In no particular order:
Mallrats, Deep Impact, Sneakers, The Blues Brothers, Die Hard, Die Hard With A Vengeance, Return of the Jedi, The Empire Strikes Back, The Fugitive, Sphere, The Postman, A Time to Kill, Natural Born Killers, Any James Bond movie with Sean Connery, Contact, Silence of the Lambs, Beavis and Butthead Do America, The X Files; Fight The Future, Trading Places, Waynes World, Waynes World 2,The Waterboy, There's Something About Mary,The Fifth Element, The Negotiator, The Rainmaker, Slapshot, See No Evil Hear No Evil, Men In Black, Heavy Metal, Jurassic Park, Reservoir Dogs, Pi, Jacki Brown, From Dusk Till Dawn, L.A. Confidential, Batman, Batman Returns, Air Force One, Jerry Maguire, Sleepers, Rain Man, Waterworld, Kuffs, Robin Hood; Prince of Theives, Robin Hood; Men in Tights, The Princess Bride, X-Men, Bone Collecter, Blues Brothers 2000, So I Married and Axe Murderer, Conan The Barbarian, The Rock, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Schindler's List, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining, South Park, Sling Blade, Full Metal Jacket, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Terminator 2; Judgement Day, Fantasia, M*A*S*H, Heat, The Sword in the Stone, Chasing Amy, Casino, Armageddon, All of the Lethal Weapon series, As Good As It Gets, Saving Private Ryan, the entire Back To the Future series, Child's Play, Bram Stoker's Dracula, A Clockwork Orange, Half Baked, The Big Lebowski, The Lost World, PCU, Mimic, Don King: Only In America, The Black Hole, Clear and Preasent Danger, The Devil's Advocate, Event Horizon, A League of Their Own, The Saint, Tron, Barbarella.

Any suggestions will be considered for the "Other Movies" list if I see fit to do so, but the Top Ten list will not be changed for anyone but my own personal tastes.

My favorite things about these movies are that they are not simply cheap flicks that rely on big explosions and scantily clad actresses to make them great movies(although it certainly doesn't hurt a movie to contain the afore mention attributes). These are good quality movies that more or less contain a point, and not more meaningless crap pushed at the viewing public from the hollywood factory.
