

-"Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a Q-Tip."-

Homer J. Simpson

Bow ye before the great and mighty Homer!

Homer is easily the greatest man in the history of T.V. Not even Buckwheat, a man whom we all know and revere, can come close to Homer. And as such, this page is dedicated to the greatness that is him.


...Will you knock off all that racket? I can't hear myself think...

...you coulden't fool your own mother on the foolingest day of you life...

Homer sing's his version of the Flintstones theme

...they aint even bother to learn theyselves the langauge...

Krusty hands out Homer's diploma from clown college


...Oh Lisa, you and your stories, Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells...

...Mmmmm... Sacrilicious...

...Mmmm... forbidden doughnut...

Evil Homer

Homer's first beer

...English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England...

...I am invincible!!!...

...Don't eat me, I have a wife and kids, eat them...
