All about me.

UPDATED 20/6/99

(if anyone actually makes it through this I'll be impressed.)

The history of Buddy.

Let's see well I was born in small town Ontario, which is where most of my extended family lives. At about 3 or 4 (I don't really remember too much about this period of my life) I moved to Scarborough (which is just outside of Toronto for all of you Non-Canadians.) I lived there for a couple years and then the family picked up and moved to Montreal.....We stayed there for a bit, untill I was in like 3rd Grade. At that point my Dad got transferred to Geneva, Switzerland. We stayed there for a year, and then we moved to England. I had a tough time adjusting to the uniform (school colours being orange and brown) and the school in general....but I got day at a time. Stayed there for two years, until I finished 5th grade or as they called it Shell (don't ask, I don't know) So then our family moved back to Montreal. stayed there for 2 years....that was kinda wierd going back to the same school like 3 years later. So at the beginning of 8th grade the fam was in Hudson, Ohio. Which, contrary to the beliefs of the entire high school and middle school, was a very cool little town. I met some really close friends there, life was good. Well I stayed in Hudson for 5 years and graduated high school with honours (which was really cool 'cuz I had like a 2.0 Grade point average, the lowest of all of the honours diploma recipients, damn I was proud of myself.) That summer my family picked up and moved back to Montreal, which probably was the easiest move as I was just going into my first year of university and my sister was going into her 3rd.

On the outside.

Well what's there to say, I'll be 20, on the 18th of July. I'm 6'2" and about 165 pounds (on a good day) I've been attending the University of Western Ontario for the past 2 years, it didn't work out so well... I spent too much time on my computer, ICQin' people and well consuming alcohol (I might go back to school in a year or so, not sure yet.) So, I'm livin' in London, Ontario at the moment, looking for a job. I lived with 5 people last year......3 girls, 3 guys, in a semi-detached house. It was not fun. And this year I'm living with one other guy, it's working out much better. Two years ago I was on the UWO Lacrosse team, it was pretty fun butI didn't play much 'cuz I suck royally. My favourite sport is probably fishing. I love gettin' out on the water either all alone or with a buddy. It's so relaxing and gives me lots of time to think about stuff.

My philosophies on life in general.

  1. All of the bad shit that happens to you, get over it. Learn from your mistakes, and if at first you don't succeed try and try again.....and if you still don't succeed, you probably weren't meant to, so just play it off as if it weren't that important anyway.
  2. If someone criticizes you and you think that they are sadly mistaken.....take a minute to think about how much their opinion matters to you. If it doesn't......don't let it get to you.
  3. I'll stop now....if I told you everything I knew, then you'd be as smrt as me, and we don't need two smartasses around now do we??

Das all for now.....if you've made it this far....I did say that I'd be impressed but, well frankly that scares me, because this page sucks.