Buddy's lists of shat and other stuff.

List numero uno. Shat that I like.

1. The fam. Pretty cheesy, but they're the best damn family a boy could have.

2. My buddies. They some pretty cool kids.

3. Making people happy. My number one goal in life. If I were funny I'd be a comedian...but I'm planning on programming computers instead.

4. Tryin' to get fat.

5. Beer. Not that I'm an alchy or anything, although saying that makes me sound like one. I don't drink that often, but when I do...I go all out!!

6. My computer. Look, I can do some crazy shat with this thing, pretty sad, huh?

7. Talking to FRIENDS on ICQ.

8. Dogs that look cool, but are dumber than bags of wet mice.

9. The old Taco Bell commerical with the dog that needs a bigger box.

List numero duo. Shat that pisses me off. (Lizard's Idea)

1. When I have a keg party and people won't leave 'cuz they're dickheads and try and take jugs of beer with them, and then get into a big fight on my front porch and break big ass beer glasses over my friend's head.

2. Abusive people in any form. (sorry to get serious on ya)

3. Warm beer.

4. Girls that dump me on the night after prom.

5. Girls that dump me 3 days before christmas.

6. Roommates that steal my beer, well I won't get into this...That bastard Ian pisses me off.

7. Cleaning up puke that's not mine.

8. Cleaning up puke that IS mine.

9. Cleaning up in general.

List numero trio. Lizard's list of shat she likes.

1. Buddy, he's the coolest kid ever in the whole wide world. He's the best at everything he does.

2. Helmets

3. Put together people

4. My friends, even when they can't hear anything I say. "What? Whaddya say?"

5. Getting dressed while adbatt yells out curling calls - hurryyyyyy, hurrryyyyy haaaard

6. Listening to Marky make music.

7. When my dad says I'm pretty.

das all for now.

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