Buddy's linkie-winkies!!

Well here ya go. A list of my favourite sites. They all rule. There is one missing though. it's www.scour.net. I'm still waiting on a banner from them. So now for all you people out there that wanna be just like me, check out these sites and you'll be that one step closer. Well as a great man once said "That's all I have to say about that"

This program is my life. Without it I would lose communication with the outside world. I'd have to get up and walk to the room across the hall to talk with my friends. Then I'd get out of breath and probably colapse.

Also check out my user profile at the sony station. some say it's funny some say i'm a sick demented bastard.

Yet another very cool program. I can listen to all of my favourite music. And the best part is I don't have to pay a dime. Oh ya, I'm designing my own skin....basically because I have no life. Stang amp. I'll put it up here when I finish. If I ever do.

This is a link to my university's web page, pretty boring and i'm pretty sure no one will link to this one. Not saying that you'll link to anything else on the page. but uhh....ya.

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