
Hi! Welcome to the house of GA. To say this up front, this site is dedicated to Gillian Anderson and not to her TV role of agent Dana Scully in the world-wide hit series "The X-Files" (although there are some pics from XF). For now, there are only pictures and a biography because of the limited amount of hard drive space, but I hope to add some sound clips of Gillian in the future.

  Now something about me. My name is Marko and I live in Zagreb, Croatia. I am fifteen years old and I am in the 2.f class of high-school (Zagreb's "V.Gymnasium" is one of the toughest in town). My favorite TV-show is the "X-Files". I haven't missed a single episode yet. I do belive that there must be life somewhere in the universe and I hope that they are friendly. I'll try to keep this site up to date but I cant guarantee anything because school is at the first place, then after it comes fun.

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The house of GA, 1997

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