Posters Bio Page 2


Lori, from IL (metro St. Louis area). I am 31 (I can't even believe it) and have 3 children Brittany 9, Austin 4 and Alexis 3. I have worked for the past 7 1/2 years as an executive secretary. So between work and the children, I don't have much free time. But my little treat at the end of the day is to watch my taped daily dosage of Days. I read the board every day, but only post occasionally due to time restrictions.

My grandmother watched Days for years and I started watching with her when I was about 11. I watched when I could over summer vacation over the next 5 years or so, and then when I was about 17 my mother started taping it for me. I have watched almost straight through since then. I used to watch for the escapism, romance, yadda yadda. Then the adventure, blah blah. I think now that we don't have much romance and adventure anymore, I watch because of all the time I have invested in the show. I feel like I know these people (characters).


I'm Bonnie from New Orleans area. I'm 31 and I've been a DOOL fan since I was in grade school...During the summers, my granny got me hooked on the show! I am single, but I live with my boyfriend (His computer! I was computer stupid until about 6 months ago!) and the fish. I work during the day and my best friend (Ellis) and I videotape it and we watch together after work.

**If anyone wants to verify facts about New Orleans, give me a post! DOOL had 98% of the facts wrong!!**P.S. I'd have a great rant on swamp story..just ask nice!


Toni Walker: A little about me. 30 yrs old. Graphic Artist. Lives in St. Louis, MO. Currently bearing tons of ice, sleet and snow from the biggest midwest storm in this century. Favorite pasttimes: Cross stitching, drawing, watercolor,crafting, reading,writing fan fic (if I have time),singing on my church's contemporary worship team, and when I have time, I actually work as well.

How long have I watched Days? Since about 1980. My mom was a big fan before that so can I say I've watched or listened since birth? LOL!

"The greatest discovery is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." - William James


Otherwise know as Carol. I've been a DOOL follower for 32 years, ever since I got married and was a stay-at-home mom...most of the time anyhow. Before marriage I lived in Cleveland Ohio and was an administrative assistant in an advertising agency. Then moved to this small town in Michigan. I have two daughters 31 and 29.

After they were in school full time I worked on and off as the bookkeeper/billing person in my husband's law office getting home when they got home from school. After they went off to college I wanted to get back into the work force and became the Executive Director for a semi-professional, historic theater here in town. Loved the job but it was very demanding and after things were in pretty good shape and the fund raising had the theater in the black again I decided I was burned out and it was time to retire. My retirement didn't last long as my husband's girl friday left and I was the only other person that knew the billing system so back to work for him I went "temporarily"... 4 years later as of November 1 I am officially retired!!!

Now maybe I'll have some time to read during the day time, do my art work and visit my daughters and new grandson out in California where they all live. We are in the middle of moving to our "retirement" home on a small lake 17 miles from here. Time to give up the big house. I'm looking forward to the change and a slower paced life.


Hi, I am Charmaine and I am from west side of Washington State, so I am on the green rainy side. I started watching Days when I was 11 yrs old and home with the flu for 2 weeks, been hooked ever since, which is 32 yrs, making me a 43 year old married women with 3 children, Perry 17, Matthew 16, and Amber 12.

I live out in the country on 28 acres and have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and cows and occasionally pigs. I am a stay at home mom that is currently in the country craft business. I have been doing crafts with my partner for 9 years, Before that I owned a yarn store specializing in natural fibers and knitting machines. Now, I do country crafts of all sorts and spend most of Sept-Nov doing big Holiday Gift shows. During baseball season I am known as a bleacher mom as both my boys play baseball and between them they are on 6-8 teams Yes, I watch lots of baseball!

My daughter and I love live theater and do take in 4-5 shows in Seattle every year, and we also do fire watch every summer for 2-4 weeks in the middle of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in a 13' x13' firetower on top of a 5,600' mountain. We look forward to the peace and quiet. It is our special bonding time and our gratitude time. Spend 2-4 weeks with an outhouse, no electricity, running water, ect and you quickly become grateful for all the commodities back home. I enjoy gardening as long as the snakes stay away, and have a cobblestone pathed victorian garden that I try to keep up, and am always adding to.

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