Days Weekend in L.A. 1998

Lots of pictures to load, please be patient.

It was a wonderful weekend. We went to Drake's Dinner Dance on Friday night and the Fan Club Luncheon on Saturday. I'm using character names rather than the actor's names for clarity.
John greets fans
John greets fans at his dinner dance.

Shawn Brady was also there.
Shawn takes a picture
Shawn Brady helps takes some pictures. I thought this was a cool hair flip shot.
Question and Answers
During questions and answers, this fan suggested John not go into the jungle with a loaded gun in his pants! I won't repeat his answer here.
John, Mike, and Mickie
Mike showed up just as I was taking Mickie's picture with John. Talk about a welcome surprise!
Mickie and John
I did manage to get one good photo of Mickie and John before I dashed off after Mike!

On to page 2.

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