You are visitor number since October 1, 1997

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Page Last Revised 7-1-98

I have thumbnails set up on the following pages: Cuties, Beauties , (in the 'picture album' section) Kiddie Pics, and Friends pics. The pages should load faster now. Let me know what you think!

Also, as usual, if you happen to notice a dead link, bad text colors, etc., please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it! Muchas Gracias. Merci Beaucoup. Danke.

Changeably yours,

New month, new challenge, new prize :-) If there are at least 75 guestbook entries by the end of July, I'll pick a number. If it's your entry's number, YOU WIN!!! Go on. You know you want to sign it. Nobody's watching...

Aww, come on, sign it for *me* Guestbook
by GuestWorld Okay, fine...just watch...

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Since I've borrowed 99% of the things on my page, this goes to say that all graphics, sounds, etc. on this page retain their original copyrights. I don't own 'em (with the exception of my photo album pics,) and I don't claim to.