In memory of a friend...
Life as Associate Producer of "the Debut"!
GP Entertainment, my movie production company.

Kid Heroes Productions is launching soon!

Hey, welcome to my cyberhome. I just graduated from USC with a B.A. in cinema production. For a live shot of the middle of campus, click here!

Born in the heart of San Francisco, I'm a Filipino American dreamer who lived most of his life in Daly City, California, otherwise known as "little Manila". I'm also a proud Class of 1994 graduate of Jefferson High School. To see what going on right now in the Bay Area, click here!

To see how my life's like in Northern California, click here!

To see how my life's like in Southern California, click here!

To see how my life's like in the Philippines, click here!

This web site is slowly getting there. Right now, check out my GP Entertainment page where you can take a look at all the movies I've done, such as "94" and PERVERTS, and TROY PHI-THE MOVIE. You can also get a peek at the student projects I shot at USC including BOOTLEG. My new production company KID HEROES Productions is coming soon with cool productions like the long-awaited LUMPIA. Enjoy and be sure to sign my guestbook!

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You can e-mail me at:


Watch my last short film BOOTLEG online on!

Pinoys on the big screen??!! The first ever Filipino American film? is coming!

Check out this hot upcoming band!

You know you're a real man when you find yourself on the front page of the Daily Trojan!

OH NO!!!! I'm on the front page of the DT again!!!

Hey Elmo lovers, click here!

Check out my articles for!
Prince Charming and A Pinoy Sight In Hollywood.


Here are my favorite links:

My brother Darriel's web page
Drew's Scripts-O-Rama
Corona's Coming Attractions
Ain't it Cool News!
Star Wars Official Web Site
E Online!
HTML Goodies
USC Troy Philippines web page!
Darleene Barrientos's web page.
Jefferson High Reunion Page
Marvel Online!

John Burgos's Page
Vanessa Wong's web page.
Avon Angeles's web page.
Felix Dacumos's web page.
Kevin Chan's web page.
Micaela Rustia's web page.
Andy Tien's web page.


This page was last modified January 24, 2001.

Since October 1996.

Special thanks to Jay Bordadora, Donald Sumbry, and Felix Dacumos for helping me put my page up!